NG-LARGE Cortex R5
List of figures
Cortex R5 AMBA Interface Clocking
AXI and APB interface clocking
List of tables
List of Acronyms ans Abreviations
ADD | Addition |
FPGA | FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array |
LUT | Look-Up Table |
LVDS | Low Voltage Differential Signal |
PLL | Phase Lock Loop |
RAM | Random Access Memory |
TBD | To Be Define |
Macrocell Description
The macro cell nx_cortex_r5 contains:
• Cortex R5 CPU (r1p3-00rel0)
• CoreSight ETM R5
• CoreSight TPIU-Lite
• CoreSight DAP-Lite
Macrocell interface is the interface with the FPGA fabric.
Block Diagram
The previous figure shows the ecosystem of the Cortex R5 implemented in NG-LARGE. It includes the Cortex R5 processor, the debug facility, the Bus Matrix and all users IPs. The bus matrix and users IPs (memory, IO controller, coprocessor, …) are implemented in the fabric (part “Fabric User” on the Figure 1).
The Trace Ram and JTAG/Serial Wire controllers are also implemented in the fabric (part “Fabric Debug” on the following figure).
The architecture of the Cortex R5 is shown Figure Architecture of ETMr5. The section CortexR5 Configuration describes the Cortex R5 configuration.
This implementation of the Cortex R5 does not include the ACP (uSCU), B0TCM, B1TCM, PAHB interface.
The ATB interface is connected with the CoreSight TPIU Lite module and the APB Slave is connected with the APB Debug Bus.
The architecture of the CoreSight TPIU Lite is displayed on the Figure Architecture of TPIU-Lite. The APB Slave is connected with the APB Debug Bus and the Trace Interface is connected with the Fabric.
The Trace memory is implemented using a DPRAM included on the Fabric CGB.
The architecture of the CoreSight DAP-Lite is displayed on the Figure Architecture of DAP-Lite. The APB System Slave is connected with the Fabric. The APB Debug Master is connected with the CoreSight TPIU and the CortexR5. The Serial Wire / JTAG (SWJ) interface is connected with the fabric. Both JTAG pins and serial interfaces are available via fabric for debugging purpose.
After a reset, the SWJ is configured in JTAG Mode. A 16-bit sequence on SWIOTMS switch the Mode (Serial Wire or JTAG).
For the debug sequence please refer to Cortex-R5_TechnicalReferenceManual - Chapter 12 (internal registers) and CoreSight TPIU-Lite Technical Reference Manual.
*: Content of DAP rom:
0 : 0x00080000 (CORTEXR5ROM) (32b format)
1 : 0x00003000 (TPIULite) (32b format)
CortexR5 Configuration
Feature | Options | Sub-Options |
Number of CPUs | Single-CPU (No redundancy) | - |
Instruction cache | I-Cache included | 32KB (4x8KB ways) (64-bit ECC error checking) |
ATCM | One ATCM port | 64KB (32-bit ECC error checking) |
BTCM | No BTCM ports (No sufficient area) | - |
Instruction endianness | Pin-configured | Little-endian of Big-endian |
Floating point | FPU included | - |
MPU | MPU included | - |
TCM bus parity | No TCM address and control bus parity | - |
AXI bus ECC/parity on AXImaster, AXI-slave and ACP | No AXI bus ECC/parity | - |
Bus ECC/parity on AXI peripheral port and AHB peripheral port | No peripheral port bus ECC/parity | - |
Breakpoints | 2-8 breakpoint register pairs | 8 breakpoints |
Watchpoints | 1-8 watchpoint registers | 8 watchpoints |
ATCM as reset | Disabled | - |
BTCM as reset | Disabled | - |
Axi slave interface | Enabled | - |
TCM hard error cache | TCM hard error cache | - |
Non-Maskable FIQ Interrupt | Disabled | - |
Axi coherency port (ACP) | No ACP | - |
AHB peripheral port | AXI peripheral only | - |
Custom Power mode | none | - |
General Configuration
Macrocell interface
Name | Direction | Width (bits) |
Global | ||
CLKIN | input | 1 |
nRESET0 | input | 1 |
nSYSPORESET | input | 1 |
nCPUHALT0 | input | 1 |
DBGNOCLKSTOP | input | 1 |
nCLKSTOPPED0 | output | 1 |
nWFEPIPESTOPPED0 | output | 1 |
nWFIPIPESTOPPED0 | output | 1 |
EVENTI0 | input | 1 |
EVENTO0 | output | 1 |
Configuration | ||
VINITHI0 | input | 1 |
CFGEE | input | 1 |
CFGIE | input | 1 |
INITRAMA0 | input | 1 |
LOCZRAMA0 | input | 1 |
TEINIT | input | 1 |
CFGNMFI0 | input | 1 |
PARECCENRAM0 1 | input | 1 |
PARITYLEVEL 1 | input | 1 |
ERRENRAM0 1 | input | 1 |
GROUPID 4 | input | 4 |
INITPPX0 1 | input | 1 |
PPXBASE0 20 | input | 20 |
PPXSIZE0 5 | input | 5 |
PPVBASE0 20 | input | 20 |
PPVSIZE0 5 | input | 5 |
Interrupt | ||
nFIQ0 | input | 1 |
nIRQ0 | input | 1 |
nPMUIRQ0 | output | 1 |
IRQACK0 | output | 1 |
IRQADDR0 | input | 30 |
IRQADDRV0 | input | 1 |
IRQADDRVSYNCEN | input | 1 |
AXI3 Master | ||
ACLKENM0 | input | 1 |
AWADDRM0 | output | 32 |
AWBURSTM0 | output | 2 |
AWCACHEM0 | output | 4 |
AWIDM0 | output | 4 |
AWLENM0 | output | 4 |
AWLOCKM0 | output | 2 |
AWPROTM0 | output | 3 |
AWREADYM0 | input | 1 |
AWSIZEM0 | output | 3 |
AWINNERM0 | output | 4 |
AWSHAREM0 | output | 1 |
AWVALIDM0 | output | 1 |
WDATAM0 | output | 64 |
WIDM0 | output | 4 |
WLASTM0 | output | 1 |
WREADYM0 | input | 1 |
WSTRBM0 | output | 8 |
WVALIDM0 | output | 1 |
BIDM0 | input | 4 |
BREADYM0 | output | 1 |
BRESPM0 | input | 2 |
BVALIDM0 | input | 1 |
ARADDRM0 | output | 32 |
ARBURSTM0 | output | 2 |
ARCACHEM0 | output | 4 |
ARIDM0 | output | 4 |
ARLENM0 | output | 4 |
ARLOCKM0 | output | 2 |
ARPROTM0 | output | 3 |
ARREADYM0 | input | 1 |
ARSIZEM0 | output | 3 |
ARINNERM0 | output | 4 |
ARSHAREM0 | output | 1 |
ARVALIDM0 | output | 1 |
RDATAM0 | input | 64 |
RIDM0 | input | 4 |
RLASTM0 | input | 1 |
RREADYM0 | output | 1 |
RRESPM0 | input | 2 |
RVALIDM0 | input | 1 |
AXI3 Slave | ||
ACLKENS0 | input | 1 |
AWADDRS0 | input | 32 |
AWBURSTS0 | input | 2 |
AWCACHES0 | input | 4 |
AWIDS0 | input | 8 |
AWLENS0 | input | 4 |
AWLOCKS0 | input | 2 |
AWPROTS0 | input | 3 |
AWREADYS0 | output | 1 |
AWSIZES0 | input | 3 |
AWVALIDS0 | input | 1 |
WDATAS0 | input | 64 |
WIDS0 | input | 8 |
WLASTS0 | input | 1 |
WREADYS0 | output | 1 |
WSTRBS0 | input | 8 |
WVALIDS0 | input | 1 |
BIDS0 | output | 8 |
BREADYS0 | input | 1 |
BRESPS0 | output | 2 |
BVALIDS0 | output | 1 |
ARADDRS0 | input | 32 |
ARBURSTS0 | input | 2 |
ARCACHES0 | input | 4 |
ARIDS0 | input | 8 |
ARLENS0 | input | 4 |
ARLOCKS0 | input | 2 |
ARPROTS0 | input | 3 |
ARREADYS0 | output | 1 |
ARSIZES0 | input | 3 |
ARVALIDS0 | input | 1 |
RDATAS0 | output | 64 |
RIDS0 | output | 8 |
RLASTS0 | output | 1 |
RREADYS0 | input | 1 |
RRESPS0 | output | 2 |
RVALIDS0 | output | 1 |
AXI3 Peripheral | ||
ACLKENP0 | input | 1 |
AWIDP0 | output | 4 |
AWADDRP0 | output | 32 |
AWLENP0 | output | 4 |
AWSIZEP0 | output | 3 |
AWBURSTP0 | output | 2 |
AWLOCKP0 | output | 2 |
AWCACHEP0 | output | 4 |
AWPROTP0 | output | 3 |
AWVALIDP0 | output | 1 |
AWREADYP0 | input | 1 |
WIDP0 | output | 4 |
WDATAP0 | output | 32 |
WSTRBP0 | output | 4 |
WLASTP0 | output | 1 |
WVALIDP0 | output | 1 |
WREADYP0 | input | 1 |
BIDP0 | input | 4 |
BRESPP0 | input | 2 |
BVALIDP0 | input | 1 |
BREADYP0 | output | 1 |
ARIDP0 | output | 4 |
ARADDRP0 | output | 32 |
ARLENP0 | output | 4 |
ARSIZEP0 | output | 3 |
ARBURSTP0 | output | 2 |
ARLOCKP0 | output | 2 |
ARCACHEP0 | output | 4 |
ARPROTP0 | output | 3 |
ARVALIDP0 | output | 1 |
ARREADYP0 | input | 1 |
RIDP0 | input | 4 |
RDATAP0 | input | 32 |
RRESPP0 | input | 2 |
RLASTP0 | input | 1 |
RVALIDP0 | input | 1 |
RREADYP0 | output | 1 |
Debug | ||
DBGEN0 | input | 1 |
NIDEN0 | input | 1 |
EDBGRQ0 | input | 1 |
DBGACK0 | output | 1 |
DBGRSTREQ0 | output | 1 |
COMMRX0 | output | 1 |
COMMTX0 | output | 1 |
DBGNOPWRDWN | output | 1 |
DBGROMADDR | input | 20 |
DBGROMADDRV | input | 1 |
DBGSELFADDR0 | input | 20 |
DBGSELFADDRV0 | input | 1 |
Validation | ||
nVALIRQ0 | output | 1 |
nVALFIQ0 | output | 1 |
nVALRESET0 | output | 1 |
FPU | ||
FPIXC0 | output | 1 |
FPOFC0 | output | 1 |
FPUFC0 | output | 1 |
FPIOC0 | output | 1 |
FPDZC0 | output | 1 |
FPIDC0 | output | 1 |
Power Modes | ||
RAMCONTROL0 | input | 8 |
ATB | ||
ATCLK | input | 1 |
ATCLKEN | input | 1 |
ATRESETn | input | 1 |
Trace | ||
TRACECLK | output | 1 |
TRACEDATA | output | 32 |
APB System | ||
PCLKSYS | input | 1 |
PCLKENSYS | input | 1 |
PRESETSYSn | input | 1 |
PADDRSYS | input | 29 |
PENABLESYS | input | 1 |
PRDATASYS | output | 32 |
PREADYSYS | output | 1 |
PSELSYS | input | 1 |
PSLVERRSYS | output | 1 |
PWDATASYS | input | 32 |
PWRITESYS | input | 1 |
DAP | ||
CDBGRSTACK | input | 1 |
DEVICEEN | input | 1 |
Serial Wire/JTAG | ||
JTAGNSW | output | 1 |
nPOTRST | input | 1 |
nTDOEN | output | 1 |
nTRST | input | 1 |
SWCLKTCK | input | 1 |
SWDITMS | input | 1 |
SWDO | output | 1 |
SWDOEN | output | 1 |
TDI | input | 1 |
TDO | output | 1 |
All signals above are connected to the FPGA. They are not controlled by the configuration module.
If the AXI peripheral port is activated, the base address PPXBASE0 needs to be set at 0xAE000 and the size PPXSIZE0 needs to be set at 0x07 (64Kb)
Macrocell usage
Clocking interface
All interfaces are synchronous to the processor clock, CLKIN. In many cases the FABRIC clock is at a lower frequency. This means that every rising edge on the FABRIC clock must be synchronous to a rising edge on CLKIN.
Each interface has a Clock Enable port. This input port must be asserted on every CLKIN rising edge for which there is a simultaneous rising edge on the FABIC clock. The following table lists all clock enable port of each interface.
Clock Enable Port | Interface | Connection |
ACLKENMm | AXI Master Port | Core |
ACLKENSm | AXI Slave Port | Core |
ACLKENPm | AXI Peripheral Port | Core |
PCLKENDBG | APB Debug Port | Core, ETM, DAP, TPIU |
PCLKENSYS | APB System Port | DAP |
Clock Enable Port
The following figure shows the AMBA interface clocking. All Cortex R5 clocks and clock enable are generated by the CLKGEN system and distributed through the FABRIC clock network.
The following figure shows an example in which the processor is clocked at 200MHz (CLKIN) while the FABRIC system connected to the AXI master port, AXI Peripheral port and APB debug port are respectively clocked at 100MHz (AXI_MASTER_CLK), 100MHz (AXI_PERIHERAL_CLK) and 50MHz (APB_DEBUG_CLK). It should be noted that the AXI bus, implemented in FABRIC, cannot be faster than the processor clock.
The following table lists all reset port of the CortexR5.
Reset Port | Descriptions |
nRESETm | Main CPU reset Resets the non-debug CPU logic |
nSYSPORESET | Power On Reset Resets the entire processor group including debug CPU logic |
PRESETDBGm | CPU debug reset Resets the debug domain logic and the APB interface of the CPU |
CortexR5 Reset Ports
DBGReset is implemented and connected to PRESETSYSn.
Boot code outside of the TCM
The Boot code is included in ROM connected at the Bus Matrix or a Memory (SRAM, Flash, …) connected at the FPGA. The ROM or memory controller must be mapped in the reset memory space (start with the address 0). The TCM must be disabled or not mapped in the reset memory space.
• INITRAMAm must be tied LOW. ATCM is disabled at reset; or
• LOCZRAMAm must be tied LOW. ATCM initial address is 20’h40000.
In the boot code, the user can copy the program code in the TCM and jump a the TCM base address.
Boot example
Those command will allow you to compile the assembly code:
arm-none-eabi-as -march=armv7-r -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 gboot.s -o gboot.bin
arm-none-eabi-objdump -D gboot.bin|tee gboot.txt
Boot code example:
.global _prestart
.global _boot
.global __stack
.global __irq_stack
.global __supervisor_stack
.global __abort_stack
.global __fiq_stack
.global __undef_stack
.global _vector_table
/* this initializes the various processor modes */
/* Initialize processor registers to 0 */
mov r0,#0
mov r1,#0
mov r2,#0
mov r3,#0
mov r4,#0
mov r5,#0
mov r6,#0
mov r7,#0
mov r8,#0
mov r9,#0
mov r10,#0
mov r11,#0
mov r12,#0
mrs r0, cpsr /* get the current PSR */
mvn r1, #0x1f /* set up the system stack pointer */
and r2, r1, r0
orr r2, r2, #0x1F /* SYS mode */
msr cpsr, r2
ldr r13,=#0x00000200 /* SYS stack pointer */
//* Disable MPU and caches */
//mrc p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0 /* Read CP15 Control Register*/
//bic r0, r0, #0x05 /* Disable MPU (M bit) and data
cache (C bit) */
//bic r0, r0, #0x1000 /* Disable instruction cache (I
bit) */
//dsb /* Ensure all previous loads/sto
res have completed */
//mcr p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0 /* Write CP15 Control Register *
//isb /* Ensure subsequent insts execu
te wrt new MPU settings */
/* Invalidate caches */
//mov r0,#0 /* r0 = 0 */
//mcr p15, 0, r0, c7, c5, 0 /* invalidate icache */
//mcr p15, 0, r0, c15, c5, 0 /* Invalidate entire data cache*/
//mrc p15, 0, r1, c1, c0, 1 /* Read ACTLR */
//str r1, [sp, #-8]
//ldr r0, =0x30000 /* [17] = 1 = Return stack disabled. [16:15]
= 10 Branch always not taken and history table updates disabled. */
//orr r1,r1,r0
//mcr p15, 0, r1, c1, c0, 1
//str r1, [sp, #-8]
b main /* jump to C startup code */
@ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 8
@ frame_needed = 1, uses_anonymous_args = 0
@ link register save eliminated.
str fp, [sp, #-4]!
add fp, sp, #0
sub sp, sp, #12
mov r3, #1056
str r3, [fp, #-12]
mov r3, #0
str r3, [fp, #-8]
ldr r3, [fp, #-8]
lsl r3, r3, #2
ldr r2, [fp, #-12]
add r3, r2, r3
ldr r2, [fp, #-8]
str r2, [r3]
ldr r3, [fp, #-8]
add r3, r3, #1
add fp, fp, #16
str r3, [fp, #-8]
b .L2
.size main, .-main
.ident "GCC: (15:6.3.1+svn253039-1build1) 6.3.1 20170620"
Boot code inside the TCM
The CPU can boot with the Preloaded TCM. The TCM must be enabled and mapped in the reset memory space.
• INITRAMAm must be tied HIGH. ATCM is enable at reset; and
• LOCZRAMAm must be tied HIGH. ATCM initial address is 0. The user can write the TCM directly with the Debug Access Port (DAP) or with the AXI slave interface.
During the TCM initialization, the CPU don’t fetch any instructions. The input port nCPUHALTm must be asserted.
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