
Welcome to the NanoXplore Wiki

NanoXplore is a privately owned fabless company based in France. We offer a comprehensive range of SoC and FPGA devices for the aerospace, defense and industrial markets, including our leading radiation hardened FPGA portfolio. 


NanoXplore develop devices in three key areas:

  • Radiation Hardened FPGA qualified for space-grade applications and technologies including STM 65nm and 28nm FD-SOI

  • Hard block embedded FPGA (eFPGA)

  • ASIC device development

Our Radiation Hard FPGA all include specific technical documentation, evaluation boards and DevKits to discover and use all functionalities.


Development Tools

In addition to its hardware portfolio, NanoXplore has developed a complete dedicated software chain to map a hierarchical design logic application into the programmable core matrix of any NX FPGA device:

  • Impulse is a highly intuitive software environment to perform full design flow compilation and programming of FPGA's, including
    Synthesis, Place, Route, Static Timing Analysis and Bitstream generation

  • Before Impulse, NanoXplore’s NXmap was its main software suite

    • Please note that NXmap tools and documentation are still available and supported for users working with them

    • NXbase2 is a command line tool that can interact with evaluation kit boards for NanoXplore chips to upload Bitstream files to the chip and control hardware features of the evaluation kits

      Note: Communication between computer and evaluation kit boards is performed via JTAG through the ANGIE USB-JTAG adapter provided with the evaluation kit board

  • NXboard is a graphical user interface used for NXbase2 that allows easy interaction with the evaluation kit boards

  • SDK gathers embedded software tools and features for Development Kits to efficiently use complex parts of dedicated FPGA’s, such as the R5 processor for NG-Large and the NG-Ultra System On Chip (SoC) functionalities

  • NanoXplore’s License Manager Daemon (NXLMD) which is required to use NanoXplore tools


NanoXplore develops its own portfolio of Soft IP's designed to configure FPGA dedicated functionalities:


  • SerDes IP

  • SpaceWire bank IP

NanoXplore also provides IP's designed by partners.


© NanoXplore 2022