The ULTRA300 NX2H300TSA is the second generation of NanoXplore Radiation Hardened By Design (RHBD) FPGA based on 28nm FD-SOI Technology Platform from STMicroelectronics. It has a logic capacity of 290k LUTs. The hardening techniques used in the NG-ULTRA alongside the FD-SOI technology offers very strong hardening performance.
As shown in Figure above, ULTRA300 NX2H300TSA is composed of a central fabric embedding the programmable logic matrix, including RAM and DSP blocks. The fabric takes benefit from the high-speed connectivity such as High-Speed Serial Links (HSSLs) and SPW, DDR2 interfaces. It is covered with a grid of high-level functional blocks interleaved with interconnect structures providing routing resources to realize the connections within the fabric and to the peripheral I/Os. The programmable logic resources are arranged in a hierarchical structure called a TILE with a specific local interconnect network. I/Os are arranged into multiple banks. Each bank has its own I/O buffer supply voltage.
In addition, the ULTRA300 NX2H300TSA offers the following additional features:
4 Digital to Analog Converters (DAC)
4 Analog to Digital Converters (ADC)
This page provides a list of all available documentations related to use efficiently the ULTRA300 NX2H300TSA.
As a radiation hardened FPGA, the ULTRA NX2H300TSA will go through a qualification process for flight applications. The datasheet of ULTRA300 is available through the following link:
FAMILY datasheet applies for RHBD unqualified component:
ULTRA300ES NX2H300TSA Datasheet V1.0.6
To map an application into the ULTRA300 target variant through Impulse environment, an assignment file of all IOs available associated to ULTRA300 pads can be used: Not yet available
The complete ULTRA300 NX2H300TSA ballout is available in the following page:
Each pin of the ballout is dedicated to one or several purpose in case of shared IO.
ULTRA300 BGA484 Pin Configuration
Pads connected to the Service bank IOB00 have a different purpose depending on the selected configuration mode.
ULTRA300 Configuration Pads Mode
NanoXplore provides characterized data through IBIS models for temperature and corner case conditions aimed for simulation works. Power consumption estimation can be computed using NXPowerEstimator for any project application given which kind and how many resources will be used to map the design:
ULTRA300 IBIS model :
NX Power estimator for ULTRA300 : ULTRA300 Power Estimator
IPs compatible with ULTRA300
NanoXplore is willing to develop internal IPs for ULTRA300 use and already work with third-partner providers for some IPs currently available within the NXcore tool, part of the Impulse software chain.
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