Note that JTAG pins are buried into the NXscope_Startup IP Core.
Name | Width | Mode | Comments |
| |
DIN_LINES | 1 to 24 | In | Signals to be captured | ||||
STARTUP_TRIGGER_LINES | 1 to 4 | In | 1 to 4 trigger lines for simple boolean condition (1 to 4-bit value) | ||||
CLK_CAPT | 1 | In | Capture clock (can support frequencies up to 200 MHz – check timing reports for realistic performance) If “CLK_CAPT” is available before the trigger condition is met, samples can be captured before the trigger condition. | ||||
CLK_READ | 1 | In | Secondary clock for data transfer management between the STARTUP_FAST_CAPTURE_RAM and the embedded NXscope RAM. CLK_READ can be asynchronous from CLK_CAPT, and doesn’t doesn’t need to be at high frequency. Any 20 to 100 MHz clock can be used as CLK_READ | ||||
| ||||
PRE_CAPTURE_DONE | 1 | Out | Goes high when the trigger condition has been met. The capture in the first RAM level is done imediatelly, then NXscope_Startup waits for a capture command to transfer the captured data to the dump file via ANGIE USB-JTAG adapter.. | ||||
TRIG_ARMED | 1 | Out | Once the STARTUP_FAST_CAPTURE_RAM has been filled, the user can launch the NXscope capture thanks to the “nxboard” GUI. TRIG_ARMED goes high and launches the transfer between both RAM sets. | ||||
DONE | 1 | Out | When the data transfer is complete, DONE goes high, and NXscope starts reading by JTAG via ANGIE USB adapter to generate the dump file for waveform display. | ||||
The following table summarizes the NXscope_Startup parameters, including allowed ranges and additional comments.
Parameter name | Allowed values | Comments |
| |
Entity name | Any user’s name (VHDL compliant) | Note that NXcore allows to define independent names for the entity and the VHDL file. The VHDL file name can be defined | |||
Input line count | Range 2 to 240 | Memory width (same as NXscope) | |||
Capture_depth | 2K, 4K, 6K, 12K, 24K or 48K | Memory depth (same as NXscope) | |||
Pre-trigger samples | 1 to 1000 | Can be used to store some samples before the NXscope_Startup condition is met. Make sure the capture clock is available during the specified amount of Pre-trigger samples to get the correct behavior. | |||
Trigger line count | 1 to 4 | Allows 1 to 4-bit trigger condition | |||
Trigger value | ‘0’ or ‘1’ can be defined for each trigger input line | Value to be detected for trigger. Ex for 4 Trigger line count : “0110”. Only ‘0’ and ‘1’ values are supported. |