Table of Contents |
The NX_GCK_U can be used exclusively by instantiation. The current version of NXmap3 does not yet support inference for this device.
type bit
default value ‘0’
This generic select wether to invert (inv_in = ‘1’) or not both clock inputs pins SI1 and SI2.
type bit
default value ‘0’
This generic select wether to invert (inv_out = ‘1’) or not the clock output pin SO.
type string
default value “BYPASS”
Select the configuration mode of the NX_GCK_U. NX_GCK_U can be configured into the following modes:
Figure 2: NG-ULTRA CKG block diagram
The next figure shows a block diagram of the NX_PLL_U and the user’s settings (in yellow).
Figure 3: Simplified NG-ULTRA PLL block diagram
type string
default value “”
This generic allows to define the NX_PLL_U location directly in the source code (instead of using the nxpython addPLLLocation method).
Example : location => “CKG2.PLL1”
type bit
default value 0
Set to 1 to enable the PLL. When set to 0, the PLL is bypassed with Fvco = Frefo.
type bit_vector (1 downto 0)
default value others => ‘0’
Define the output division factor of the PLL (factors: 1, 2, 5 and 10).
pll_odf | Output Division factor |
0 | 1 |
1 | 2 |
2 | 5 |
3 | 10 |
type bit_vector (1 downto 0)
default value others => ‘0’
Configure the frequency lock.
pll_lock value | PPM approx |
0 | 20 |
1 | 40 |
2 | 60 |
3 | 80 |
4 | 100 |
5 | 200 |
6 | 400 |
7 | 600 |
8 | 800 |
9 | 1000 |
10 | 2000 |
11 | 4000 |
12 | 6000 |
13 | 8000 |
14 | 10000 |
15 | 20000 |
type bit_vector (4 downto 0)
default value others => ‘0’
The REFerence frequency can be divided by factors ranging from 1 to 32 before reaching the VCO input. This allows to give more flexibility of the PLL generated output frequency, and increase the PLL input frequency range.
REF input frequency range | ref_intdiv value | Vco input frequency |
5 to 50 MHz | 0 | Fref |
10 to 100 MHz | 1 | Fref / 2 |
15 to 150 MHz | 2 | Fref / 3 |
20 to 200 MHz | 3 | Fref / 4 |
… | ... | … |
150 MHz to 1,5 GHz | 29 | Fref / 30 |
155 MHz to 1,55 GHz | 30 | Fref / 31 |
160 MHz to 1,6 GHz | 31 | Fref / 32 |
For VCO expected at 400MHz, ref_intdiv value must be set to 8 with a REF input frequency range between 45 and 450 Mhz.
type bit
default value ‘0’
This generic configures the source of the PLL reference.
If ref_osc_on is set to ‘0’, the input reference of the pll is the REF input pin.
If set to ‘1’, the internal oscillator is used as reference of the PLL.
type bit
default value ‘0’
When ‘0’, the internal feedback path is selected. The output of the FBK_INTDIV divider is used as feedback source. The VCO output frequency is divided by (fbk_intdiv + 1)
When ‘1’, the external feedback path is selected. This is particularly useful for “zero delay” clock generation.
type bit_vector (6 downto 0)
default value others => ‘0’
Internal feedback divider of N+1 ratio (with division from 1 to 128).
type bit
default value ‘0’
This generic configures whether the delay of the feedback path is active (‘1’) or not (‘0’).
type bit_vector (5 downto 0)
default value others => ‘0’
The number of delay taps on the feedback path (internal or external) can be adjusted to meet the required phase on the VCO outputs. When using external feedback, it can be used to compensate the delay on the reference clock input to the REF pin of the PLL via the semi-dedicated clock input pin and associated direct routing.
The delay can be selected or not (see fbk_delay_on). When selected, it can be adjusted from 340 ps (fbk_delay = 0) to 10580 ps (fbk_delay = 63) by steps of 160 ps.
clk_outdiv1 : applies to CLK_DIV1
type bit_vector (2 downto 0)
default value others => ‘0’
CLK_DIV1 = Fpll/(2*7+3) = Fpll / 17
clk_outdiv2 : applies to CLK_DIV2
type bit_vector (2 downto 0)
default value others => ‘0’
CLK_DIV2 = Fpll/(2*7+5) = Fpll / 19
clk_outdiv3 : applies to CLK_DIV3
type bit_vector (2 downto 0)
default value others => ‘0’
CLK_DIV3 = Fpll/(2*0+5) = Fpll / 7
If clk_outdiv3 = 7
CLK_DIV3 = Fpll/(2*7+5) = Fpll / 21
clk_outdiv4 : applies to CLK_DIV4
type bit_vector (2 downto 0)
default value others => ‘0’
CLK_DIV4 = Fpll/(2*0+5) = Fpll / 9
If clk_outdiv4 = 7
CLK_DIV4 = Fpll/(2*7+5) = Fpll / 23
clk_outdivd* : applies to CLK_DIVD*
type bit_vector (3 downto 0)
default value others => ‘0’
This generic allows to define the divider value of the CLK_DIVD* output. There are 16 possible values:
clk_outdivd* | ratio | Fpll_div_dyn (ex: Fpll = 800Mhz) |
0 | 2 | 400 |
1 | 4 | 200 |
2 | 6 | 133.33 |
3 | 8 | 100 |
4 | 10 | 80 |
5 | 20 | 40 |
6 | 40 | 20 |
7 | 60 | 13.33 |
8 | 80 | 10 |
9 | 100 | 8 |
10 | 200 | 4 |
11 | 400 | 2 |
12 | 600 | 1.33 |
13 | 800 | 1 |
14 | 1000 | 0.8 |
15 | 2000 | 0.4 |
* clk_outdivd1/2/3/4/5 respectively apply to CLK_DIVD1/2/3/4/5
type bit
default value ‘0’
When set to 0, the calibration module is bypassed. When set to 1, the calibration module is activated with cal_div and cal_delay generics used to define divide and delay values of the calibration engine.
type bit_vector (1 downto 0)
default value “01”
Select the clock used for internal calibration.
type bit_vector (3 downto 0)
default value “0111”
Set the division factor of the calibration engine.
type bit_vector (5 downto 0)
default value “011011”
Set the delay value of the calibration engine.
Notes about user’s adjustable delays on NG-ULTRA:
The PLL has a user’s selectable and adjustable delay line (no delay or 0 to 63 x 100 ps +/- 5% delay taps) on the feedback path. A similar delay chain is available in each WFGs. Finally, the IO banks have input, output and tri-state command 64-tap delay chains.
All the delay chain taps are calibrated with the same automatic process and hardware resources.
The procedure is transparent to the user.
The delays calibration system uses the PLL 400 MHz oscillator output as reference clock to calibrate all delays: feedback path in the PLL itself, WFG delays and calibration delay in same CKG), and IO delays in the neighboring complex IO banks:
CKG1 oscillator calibrates the delays in CKG1 (PLL + CAL+ WFGs)
Banks 11 to 13
CKG2 oscillator calibrates the delays in CKG2 (PLL + CAL + WFGs)
Banks 2 to 3
CKG3 oscillator calibrates the delays in CKG3 (PLL + CAL + WFGs)
CKG4 oscillator calibrates the delays in CKG4 (PLL + CAL + WFGs)
Banks 4 to 5
CKG5 oscillator calibrates the delays in CKG5 (PLL + CAL+ WFGs)
Banks 8 to 10
CKG6 oscillator calibrates the delays in CKG6 (PLL + CAL+ WFGs)
Banks 8 to 10
CKG7 oscillator calibrates the delays in CKG7 (PLL + CAL+ WFGs)
Banks 11 to 13
The calibration procedure takes about 10 µs at startup. The “CAL_LOCKED” output goes high when the delay calibration process is complete. Can be used as status bit.
Ports | Direction | Type | Description |
REF | In | std_logic | Reference clock input Connectivity: semi-dedicated clock inputs, clock trees (low skew network) |
FBK | In | std_logic | External FeedBack input Connectivity: semi-dedicated clock inputs, clock trees (low skew network) |
R | In | std_logic | Active high Reset input. Must be activated when REF input frequency changes to force a re-locking process of the PLL |
ARST_CAL | In | std_logic | Active high asynchronous reset input of the calibration module |
CAL_CLK | In | std_logic | Clock input of the calibration module. |
EXT_CAL_LOCKED | In | sdt_logic | Input of the calibration module coming from the fabric. Indicates the calibration is locked |
EXT_CAL1/2/3/4/5 | In | sdt_logic | Input of the calibration module coming from the fabric. Indicates the calibration value send by fabric |
VCO | Out | std_logic | VCO output: - Fvco = REF * 2 * (fbk_intdiv+1) / (ref_intdiv+1) with use_pll = 1 - Fvco = Frefo when use_pll = 0 |
REFO | Out | std_logic | Output of the REFerence divider. The division factor is set by the generic “ref_intdiv” |
LDFO | Out | std_logic | Output of the FBK_INTDIV divider. The division factor is set by the generic ‘fbk_intdiv” |
CLK_DIV1 | Out | std_logic | This output delivers a divided (by 2N+3) PLL frequency or REF frequency (in case PLL is bypassed). The division factor is set by the generic “clk_outdiv1” |
CLK_DIV2 | Out | std_logic | This output delivers a divided (by 2N+5) PLL frequency or REF frequency (in case PLL is bypassed). The division factor is set by the generic “clk_outdiv2” |
CLK_DIV3 | Out | std_logic | This output delivers a divided (by 2N+7) PLL frequency or REF frequency (in case PLL is bypassed). The division factor is set by the generic “clk_outdiv3” |
CLK_DIV4 | Out | std_logic | This output delivers a divided (by 2N+9) PLL frequency or REF frequency (in case PLL is bypassed). The division factor is set by the generic “clk_outdiv4” |
CLK_DIVD1 | Out | std_logic | This output delivers a dynamically divided (by N+2) PLL frequency or REF frequency (in case PLL is bypassed). The division factor is set by the generic “clk_outdivd1” |
CLK_DIVD2 | Out | std_logic | This output delivers a dynamically divided (by N+2) PLL frequency or REF frequency (in case PLL is bypassed). The division factor is set by the generic “clk_outdivd2” |
CLK_DIVD3 | Out | std_logic | This output delivers a dynamically divided (by N+2) PLL frequency or REF frequency (in case PLL is bypassed). The division factor is set by the generic “clk_outdivd3” |
CLK_DIVD4 | Out | std_logic | This output delivers a dynamically divided (by N+2) PLL frequency or REF frequency (in case PLL is bypassed). The division factor is set by the generic “clk_outdivd4” |
CLK_DIVD5 | Out | std_logic | This output delivers a dynamically divided (by N+2) PLL frequency or REF frequency (in case PLL is bypassed). The division factor is set by the generic “clk_outdivd5” |
OSC | Out | std_logic | Internal 400 MHz oscillator Connectivity: WFG inputs, delay calibration engine |
PLL_LOCKED | Out | std_logic | High when PLL is locked synchronously (fine grain) Connectivity: RDY inputs of WFGs, fabric… |
PLL_LOCKEDA | Out | std_logic | High when PLL is locked asynchronously (coarse grain) Connectivity: RDY inputs of WFGs, fabric… |
CLK_CAL_DIV | Out | std_logic | Divided Clock of the calibration module sent to fabric |
CAL_LOCKED | Out | std_logic | High when the automatic calibration procedure of the current FPGA quarte area is complete Connectivity: fabric |
CAL1/2/3/4/5 | Out | std_logic | Calibration value sent to fabric |
Figure 4: NX_WFG_U diagram
type string
default value “” (no location constraint)
This generic allows to define the NX_WFG_L location directly in the source code (with the addWFGLocation method)
Example : location => “CKG2.WFG_C2”,
type integer
default value 0
The following is the declaration of the component NX_DSP_U_SPLIT, included in the nxLibrary-Ultra.vhdp package.
component NX_DSP_U_SPLIT
generic (
SIGNED_MODE : bit := '0';
INV_WE : bit := '0';
INV_WEZ : bit := '0';
INV_RST: bit := '0';
INV_RSTZ : bit := '0';
ALU_DYNAMIC_OP : bit_vector(1 downto 0) := B"00"; -- '00' for Static,
-- '-1' for Dynamic control from C
-- '10' for Dynamic control from D
SATURATION_RANK : bit_vector(5 downto 0) := B"000000"; -- Weight of useful MSB on Z and CZO result
-- (to define saturation and overflow)
ENABLE_SATURATION : bit := '0'; -- '0' for Disable, '1' for Enable
MUX_CCO : bit := '0'; -- '0' for CCO = ALU(42), '1' for CCO = ALU(56)
MUX_Z : bit := '0'; -- Select Z output. '0' for Y, '1' Saturation / ALU
MUX_CZ : bit := '0'; -- Select MUX_X input. '0' for CZI, '1' for CZO
MUX_Y : bit := '0'; -- Select ALU's Y input. '0' for MULT output, '1' for (B & A)
MUX_X : bit_vector(2 downto 0) := B"000"; -- Select MUX_X operation
-- "110" for MUX_X >> 17
-- "111" for MUX_X >> 18
MUX_CCI : bit := '0'; -- Select '1' input of CI mux. '0' for CCI, '1' for CO_feddback
MUX_CI : bit := '0'; -- Select input carry of ALU. '0' for CI, '1' for CCI/CO_feedback mux
MUX_P : bit := '0'; -- '0' for PRE_ADDER, '0' for B input
MUX_B : bit := '0'; -- '0' = B input, '1' = CBI input
MUX_A : bit := '0'; -- '0' = A input, '1' = CAI input
PRE_ADDER_OP : bit := '0'; -- '0' = Add, '1' = Sub
PR_WE_MUX : bit := '0'; -- '0' for No pipe reg, '1' for 1 pipe reg
PR_WEZ_MUX : bit := '0'; -- '0' for No pipe reg, '1' for 1 pipe reg
PR_RST_MUX : bit := '0'; -- '0' for No pipe reg, '1' for 1 pipe reg
PR_RSTZ_MUX : bit := '0'; -- '0' for No pipe reg, '1' for 1 pipe reg
PR_OV_MUX : bit := '0'; -- '0' for No pipe reg, '1' for 1 pipe reg
PR_CO_MUX : bit := '0'; -- Registered carry out (CO42 & CO56)
PR_CCO_MUX : bit := '0'; -- Registered cascade carry out
PR_Z_MUX : bit := '0'; -- Registered output
PR_CZ_MUX : bit := '0'; -- Registered Cascade output
PR_Y_MUX : bit := '0'; -- '0' for No pipe reg, '1' for 1 pipe reg
PR_X_MUX : bit := '0'; -- '0' for No pipe reg, '1' for 1 pipe reg
PR_CI_MUX : bit := '0'; -- '0' for No pipe reg, '1' for 1 pipe reg
PR_MULT_MUX : bit := '0'; -- No pipe reg -- Register inside MULT
PR_P_MUX : bit := '0'; -- '0' for No pipe reg, '1' for 1 pipe reg (Pre-adder)
PR_D_MUX : bit := '0'; -- '0' for No pipe reg, '1' for 1 pipe reg
PR_C_MUX : bit := '0'; -- '0' for No pipe reg, '1' for 1 pipe reg
PR_B_CASCADE_MUX : bit_vector(1 downto 0) := "00"; -- Number of pipe reg levels for CAO output. "-0" for 0 level, "01" for 1 level, "11" for 2 levels
PR_B_MUX : bit_vector(1 downto 0) := "00"; -- Number of pipe reg levels on B input. "-0" for 0 level, "01" for 1 level, "11" for 2 levels
PR_A_CASCADE_MUX : bit_vector(1 downto 0) := "00"; -- Number of pipe reg levels for CAO output. "-0" for 0 level, "01" for 1 level, "11" for 2 levels
PR_A_MUX : bit_vector(1 downto 0) := "00"; -- Number of pipe reg levels on A input. "-0" for 0 level, "01" for 1 level, "11" for 2 levels
ENABLE_PR_OV_RST : bit := '1'; -- '0' for Disable, '1' for Enable
ENABLE_PR_CO_RST : bit := '1'; -- '0' for Disable, '1' for Enable
ENABLE_PR_CCO_RST : bit := '1'; -- '0' for Disable, '1' for Enable
ENABLE_PR_Z_RST : bit := '1'; -- '0' for Disable, '1' for Enable
ENABLE_PR_CZ_RST : bit := '1'; -- '0' for Disable, '1' for Enable
ENABLE_PR_Y_RST : bit := '1'; -- '0' for Disable, '1' for Enable
ENABLE_PR_X_RST : bit := '1'; -- '0' for Disable, '1' for Enable
ENABLE_PR_CI_RST : bit := '1'; -- '0' for Disable, '1' for Enable
ENABLE_PR_MULT_RST : bit := '1'; -- '0' for Disable, '1' for Enable
ENABLE_PR_P_RST : bit := '1'; -- '0' for Disable, '1' for Enable
ENABLE_PR_D_RST : bit := '1'; -- '0' for Disable, '1' for Enable
ENABLE_PR_C_RST : bit := '1'; -- '0' for Disable, '1' for Enable
ENABLE_PR_B_RST : bit := '1'; -- '0' for Disable, '1' for Enable
ENABLE_PR_A_RST : bit := '1'; -- '0' for Disable, '1' for Enable
-- PR_CZ_INIT : bit_vector(5 downto 0) := B"000000"; -- Value of CZ's pipe register on reset
ALU_OP : bit_vector(2 downto 0) := B"000"; -- ALU operation
-- x+y+c = "000"
-- -x+y-c = "110"
-- -x-y+c-2 = "111"
CK : IN std_logic;
R : IN std_logic;
RZ : IN std_logic;
WE : IN std_logic;
WEZ : IN std_logic;
CI : IN std_logic;
A : IN std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
B : IN std_logic_vector(17 downto 0);
C : IN std_logic_vector(35 downto 0);
D : IN std_logic_vector(17 downto 0);
CAI : IN std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
CBI : IN std_logic_vector(17 downto 0);
CZI : IN std_logic_vector(55 downto 0);
CCI : IN std_logic;
Z : out std_logic_vector(55 downto 0);
CO42 : OUT std_logic;
CO56 : OUT std_logic;
OVF : OUT std_logic;
CAO : OUT std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
CBO : OUT std_logic_vector(17 downto 0);
CZO : OUT std_logic_vector(55 downto 0);
CCO : OUT std_logic
end component
The NX_DSP_U_WRAP component provides a wrapper around NX_DSPU IP for user convenience, concatening bits into vector interfaces. The generics are the same as NX_DSP_U, check the associated section for detail explanations.