Code Block |
nxmap_script.py : script to launch by nxpython nxmap_script.py <options> project_variables.py: all variables used for the test are defined. src : all needed RTL sources. sub_scripts : all needed python files to create the project. project_ios.py : defined banks voltages and pads configurations. project_files.py : defined RTL files. project_parameters.py : defined top generic parameters. project_options.py : defined Nxmap options. project_constraints.py : defined constraints for synthesis or P&R. project_class.py : chip class. script.py : main script. [top_cell]_variant: created project once launched. logsPython : all logs and reports. *.nym : nxmap project files. *.vhd : netlists. *.sdf : Backannoted SDF files. bitstream.nxb : bitstream binary file. |
Multi Seed
Heareafter a shell script in order to launch a test with multiple seed (random or user list)
Code Block |
#1st arg: number of tests
#2nd arg: "random"/"list"
#Example 1: ./multi_seed.sh 3 random => Generates 3 tests with random values in range [1;10000]
#Example 2: ./multi_seed.sh 5 list => Generates 2 tests with values in list seed_list
#To generate a CSV report launch the following command:
#Example: python compare_sta.py switch_NG-MEDIUM_ Routed worstcase => Generates a CSV report for all folders containing "switch_NG-MEDIUM_" parsing STA files generated at Routed step in worstcase conditions
seed_list="13 19"
for (( i=0; i< $1; i++))
if [[ $2 == "random" ]]
seed=$(( RANDOM % 10000 ))
$nxpython_path nxmap_script.py --seed $seed --suffix $seed
elif [[ $2 == "list" ]]
$nxpython_path nxmap_script.py --seed $seed --suffix $seed
echo "Unrecognized mode $2. It must be random or list"