The needed minimum version is modelsim 10.6d
Design simulation
The user design may include NX primitives with files calling nx package nxpackage as follow in a VHDL file:
There is one file per variant so for instance, for NG-ULTRA target, the file to compile is stored in each release in the following path:
Hereafter an example of TCL script to compile and simulate a design:
Code Block |
#Compile nx file vlib nx vcom -work nx -2008 nxmap-dbg- #Compile design file vlib work vcom -work work -2008 sub_module1.vhd vcom -work work -2008 sub_module1.vhdmodule2.vhd vcom -work work -2008 top.vhd #Compile testbench vcom -work work -2008 tb_top.vhd #Simulate vsim -t 1ps -lib work work.tb_top |
Netlist simulation
It can be useful to simulate a design with the output netlist generated after synthesis. Indeed, it give the ability to check NXmap synthesis tool mapped correctly the design into a flattened design containing only NX primitives even after optimizations.
Netlist generation
The netlist must be generated using NXmap tool in the NXmap flow as followfollows:
Code Block |
p.save('<file_name>.<extension>') |
Note |
Generate an output netlist after at least synthesizing step 2. |
For instance, the netlist can be generated after the final routing step like the following example:
Code Block |
from nxmap import *
#Project creation
p.setTopCellName("work", "top")
#Project steps
p.save('top_routed.vhd') |
Then, in the simulation script, netlist must be compiled instead of all design files as follows:
Code Block |
#Compile nx file
vlib nx
vcom -work nx -2008 nxmap-dbg-
#Compile design file
vlib work
vcom -work work -2008 top_routed.vhd
#Compile testbench
vcom -work work -2008 tb_top.vhd
vsim -t 1ps -lib work work.tb_top |
Backannoted simulation
Backannoted simulation is a simulation with the output netlist but taking account of timing delays between and inside NX primitives.
It can be useful in order to detect a timing violation in the design and it consequence.
Netlist and SDF generation
In addition of the netlist, a Standard Delay Format (SDF) output file must be generated using NXmap tool in the NXmap flow as follows:
Code Block |
p.save('<file_name>.sdf','<conditions>) |
Conditions get different voltage and temperature and must be in the following list:
bestcase: -40°C / VDD+10%
typical: 25°C / VDD-10%
worstcase: 125°C / VDD-10%
For instance, the netlist can be generated after the final routing step like the following example:
Code Block |
from nxmap import * #Project creation p=createProject('') p.setVariantName("NG-MEDIUM") p.setTopCellName("work", "top") p.addFile('work','sub_module1.vhd') p.addFile('work','sub_module2.vhd') p.addFile('work','top.vhd.vhd') #Project steps p.synthesize() p.place() p.route() p.save('top_routed.vhd') p.save('top_routed.sdf','worstcase') |
A SDF file described each path with a minimum, a maximum and an optional typical delay time.
Note |
NanoXplore SDF file contain only minimum and maximum values so only -sdfmin and -sdfmax arguments are allowed. |
Instead of the modelsim file, the backannoted file must be compile.
There is one file per variant so for instance, the file to compile is stored in each release in the following path:
Code Block |
nxmap-<version_number>/share/modelsim/nxLibrary-<variant_name>.vhdp |
For instance, for NG-MEDIUM or NG-MEDIUM-EMBEDDED target, with nxmap release, the path is:
Code Block |
nxmap-dbg- |
Then, in the simulation script, netlist must be compiled instead of all design files and SDF option added linking the top instance in the simulation command as follows:
Code Block |
#Compile nx file
vlib nx
vcom -work nx -2008 nxmap-dbg-
#Compile design file
vlib work
vcom -work work -2008 top_routed.vhd
#Compile testbench
vcom -work work -2008 tb_top.vhd
vsim -t 1ps -lib work work.tb_top -sdfmax sim/:tb_top:i_top_0=top_routed.sdf |