Large multiplication in ULTRA: compliance with much larger multiplication using CY for adders for better STA optimization
Compilation in NX library: NX is a forbidden library to compile
addMappingDirective for a RAM in DFF : Tool was not able to map a RAM into DFF if infered memory is compiled in a library
Attributes: attributes were ignored in some cases + log during synthesis added
Differential pad with suffix : pads with suffixes like “_DQS_SWDI” were not able to be configured in differential mode
DSP registers with asynchronous reset : asynchronous reset DFF can’t be merged in DSP
PrePlace_IP : preplace_IP allows to import IP already constraint in order to replace automatically matching instances.
NXCore IPs can be update independently of nxmap.
New interface
NXScopeV2: New NXScope IP is compliant with all FPGA