NG-ULTRA is now available on NX design suite tools
Timing Driven
Nanoxplore Design Contraints (NxDC) : The following python methods are compliant with NxMap:
reportTiming (from register to register)
Previous Python STA methods are kept compatible on this version but will be deprecated in next version. All STA constraints are translate into the new format inside log.
STA can be saved in .nym projects setting 'SaveTiming' option to 'Yes'
New interface
Docks can be move independently on main windows or move apart
Interpreter allow to write python method
Dashboard show a reduction of global floorplan view
Selection tab on all elements with filter bound to “Command” selection.
Detailed informations on selected elements
Select paths: Provide STA informations on the selected path
Select instance:
Hierarchy level, Region and Module informations
Source file and TILE/CGB location
Input/output net name
Configuration informations
Dynamic SetSite management
Regions :
Show all Regions and Modules with utilization details
Create/Resize/Delete Region dynamically
Assign Module to a new Region dynamically
Clipboard and generate python file with all Region/Module/SetSIte/(DSP/RAM)Location
Select paths :
Longest/Shortest path selection
New clock domain selection
Detail STA report on selected path
Floorplanning overview (Prepared):
Refresh fabric element dispatch after Region/Module modification in order to visualized new floorplanning
Information given in nxmap can be copy/past from GUI
Constrainpath: Source and destination registers inside a same DSP can be attached independently by different constrainpath.
exportSites: to export placement constraints for LUTs, DFFs, RAMs, RFs, DSPs, CYs of the design
rejectLowskew: to avoid routing signals into lowskew tree. Can replace NX_BD instanciation.
addBlackBox: to add preplaced IP into design
NxRegExp update:
p.addFalsePath('getPort(cpt_in[0])','getRegisters(“cpt_in_p_reg\[[0-3]\]”)') => p.addFalsePath(getPort(“cpt_in[0]”),getRegisters(“cpt_in_p_reg['[0-3]']”))
Header: Get NxMap release information in nxLibrary files headers
SERDES primitives : implement “locked” in generics
Reports have new format and more informations
Hierarchy.rpt: Indicates memories and operators information in each hierarchy level
Infinite loop reporting: Logs give the net + the file and line
Registers.rpt: Get information about optimized registers
STA report: Get information on Region and module associate to each element in STA detailed path
registersSummary.rpt : Get type of the DFF (DFF/DFR) + number of DFF by primitive (FE/DSP/RAM/PAD)
Adders mapped in LUT appear in reports
Automatic LUT and logic level evaluation is given for all operator
addFalsePath : all registers, if source or target is empty, number of found registers is *
Design Constraints : report all STA constraints
NX_DFF primitive in the design is now reported
Header: Get NxMap release information in a header
NX_HSSL_L: netlist generation is now compliant with NX_HSSL_L primitive
NX_PLL_L: use_pll generic is now mapped
Large multiplication in ULTRA: compliance with much larger multiplication using CY for adders for better STA optimization
Compilation in NX library: NX is a forbidden library to compile
addMappingDirective for a RAM in DFF : Tool was not able to map a RAM into DFF if infered memory is compiled in a library
Attributes: attributes were ignored in some cases + log during synthesis added
Differential pad with suffix : pads with suffixes like “_DQS_SWDI” were not able to be configured in differential mode
DSP registers with asynchronous reset : asynchronous reset DFF can’t be merged in DSP
PrePlace_IP : preplace_IP allows to import IP already constraint in order to replace automatically matching instances.
NXCore IPs can be update independently of nxmap.
New interface
NXScopeV2: New NXScope IP is compliant with all FPGA
NXScopeV2: Generation issue. Update will be provide on our website.
NXScopeV1: NXScope is not compliant with NG-ULTRA
SDF : NX_RAM in ECC Fast does not get tipd for ACKD/BCKD
Vcore voltage given in SDF files and STA files in NG-ULTRA are NG-MEDIUM/LARGE core value.