Training Package - Application Note - Board
The user can use NxScope IP by implementing it in the design code in order to check signals on a NanoXplore Evaluation board.
The NxScope IP is generated thanks to NxCore available in NanoXmap releases launching nxcore command and clicking on Generate after setting up all parameters.
Among parameters, the user can set data width, memory capacity and triggers signals. Please check NXscope User Manual for more details.
In this example, the IP is already generated so the user can directly launch the project without opening NxCore.
Data are collected thanks to the JTAG interface using NxBase2 software. Please check NxScope related commands in NxBase2 User Manual for more details.
Here after the table of compliances for this testcase.
Embedded | No |
Simulation | No |
Attributes |
IP | NxScope NxScopeV2 |
Methods |
Table: Board Scope environment
Option: No option is available for this testcase.
NanoXmap check: After project launching, the user can check in the GUI all the connections with the JTAG interface.
Simulation check: No simulation environment is available for this testcase.
Board check: The user can program the NanoXplore Evaluation Board and get data through a VCD file with the following steps:
1- Launch the script with the following command:
NXpython -- depending on your NX target.
-> Make sure the bitstream is successfully generated.
2- Enter in NxBase2 interactive shell with the following command:
nxbase2_cli -s
chip bitstream load switch_NG-XXX/bitstream.nxb with XXX your NX target.
3- Configure the FPGA with the following command in nxbase2 interactive shell:
chip bitstream load top_NG-XXX/bitstream.nxb --with XXX your NX target.
-> Make sure the LED named "Ready" on the Devkit is turned on
4- Launch NxScope capture with the following command in nxbase2 interactive shell:
nxscope capture outfile.vcd 25E6 immediate=0
-> Check LED1 is not ON.
5- Push on 1st push-button (check pad allocation for io “trig” in sub_scripts/ with XXX your target) on board in order to active trigger.
-> Make sure outfile.vcd has been generated.
7- Quit nxbase2 interactive shell
8- Launch gtkwave in order to display captured on-board signals with the following command:
gtkwave outfile.vcd
-> Make sure all signals are displayed with desired behavior.
For immediate trigger without pushbutton, replace step 4 and 5 by the following one:
-Launch NxScope capture with the following command in nxbase2 interactive shell:
nxscope capture outfile.vcd 25E6 immediate=1
-> Make sure outfile.vcd has been generated.
For NG-ULTRA, NxScopeV2 IP Core is used instead of NxScope.
The user can program a NanoXplore Evaluation board (DevKit) with a simple bitstream using switches and LEDs.
Here after the table of compliances for this testcase.
Embedded | No |
Simulation | No |
Attributes |
IP |
Methods |
Table: Board SwitchBlink environment
Option: No option is available for this testcase.
NanoXmap check: After project launching, the user can check in the GUI all connections between pads are made.
Simulation check: No simulation environment is available for this testcase.
Board check: The user can program the NanoXplore Evaluation Board and get data with the following steps:
1- Launch the script with the following command:
NXpython --depending on your NX target.
-> Make sure the bitstream is successfully generated.
2- Configure the FPGA with the following command:
nxbase2_cli NXmap/switch_NG-XXX/bitstream.nxb --with XXX your NX target.
-> Make sure the LED named "Ready" on the Devkit is turned on
3- Check the 1st LED is blinking, the second switch (check pad allocation for io “in_1” in sub_scripts/ with XXX your target) drives the 2nd LED and the 1st switch (check pad allocation for io “rst” in sub_scripts/ with XXX your target) resets both LEDs.
-> Make sure all this check points are OK.
The user can interface with the internal thermal sensor in order to retrieve the junction temperature.
Temperature is composed of 9 bits with the following mapping:
[8:2]: Data. Data written in binary format in the range [0°C;125°C].
1: Overflow. Goes high when temperature is out of range.
0: Enable. Set high if the thermal sensor is activated.
Here after the table of compliances for this testcase.
Variant | NG-MEDIUM |
Embedded | No |
Simulation | No |
Attributes |
IP |
Methods | initRegister |
Table: Board ThermalSensor environment
Option: No option is available for this testcase.
NanoXmap check: After project launching, the user can check in the GUI all connections with the THS interface.
Simulation check: No simulation environment is available for this testcase.
Board check: Temperature bus is displayed on LEDs.
© NanoXplore 2022