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Application Note
bitstream loading security
Ver 1.0.0
Jan 2022
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Table of Contents |
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Revision | Date | Editor | Modification |
1.0.0 | 04/02/2022 | PN | Initial Document |
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Reference | Description | Version |
RD1 | NG-ULTRA_BringUp_UserGuideV1.3 | V1.3 |
RD2 | NG_ULTRA_BitstreamLoadingSecurity_v1.0.0 package | V1.0.0 |
RD3 | NxBase2_v2.5.1-UL1 | V2.5.1 |
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Acronyms | Description |
ASW | Application Software |
BL0 | Boot Loader stage 0 |
BL1 | Boot Loader stage 1 |
BSM | Bitstream Manager |
CMIC | Configuration Memory Integrity Check |
CTR | Counter mode for block encryption |
DMA | Direct Memory Access |
DSP | Digital Signal Processor |
eROM | embedded ROM |
OTP | One Time Programmable (memory) |
ROM | Read Only Memory |
SoC | System on Chip |
SPI | Serial Peripheral Interface |
SPW | SpaceWire |
TCM | Tightly Coupled Memory |
TMR | Triplar Modular Redundancy |
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This application note, the reference designs and the associated scripts are intended to show NG-ULTRA FPGA bitstream loading security
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The NG-ULTRA component is composed of a large embedded FPGA and a digital processor subsystem based on ARM Cortex R52 cores. The bitstream manager (BSM) manages the FPGA fabric configuration.
Fig 1 – NG-ULTRA bloc diagram
NG-ULTRA FPGA bitstream security is managed through the implementation of encryption mechanisms applied to the data to be protected. Security function that encodes a digital data using a secret encryption key, making the encoded data unintelligible unless it is decoded using a decryption key.
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NG-ULTRA Bring-up board
Security loader test package tools reference designs, scripts and binary files
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Please install the plugins full options to enable the loading of BTS file with NxBase2.
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Bypass mode
Mode useful to test and debug, to bypass all security process.
Name | Jumper | Value | Comment |
MODE1 MODE0 | J43 J42 | 0 0 | Mode Normal 0 FPGA: JTAG SOC: SPW, SPI Flash, UART |
MODE1 MODE0 | J43 J42 | 0 1 | Mode Normal 1 FPGA: SL_PAR_16, JTAG SOC: SPW, SPI Flash, UART |
MODE1 MODE0 | J43 J42 | 1 0 | Mode FPGA only FPGA: SL_PAR_16, JTAG |
MODE1 MODE0 | J43 J42 | 1 1 | Mode Test |
Tab 3 – Configuration mode selection
Note: At power ON, all voltage LEDs have to be lighted.
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Bring-up board user GPIOs
Note: User GPIOs are activated low
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To configure the fabric, the BSM uses rows of drivers. Each driver row manages a subset of logical rows. Each driver row is managed by a Loader module. This Loader module includes all FSM to access to configuration memory.
A bitstream is a collection of Frames. Each frame as a header and a body. Frame header is a 32b word protected by EDAC. A bitstream includes 2 CRC, Frame CRC that checks the integrity of each fabric configuration frame and Bitstream CRC that checks the integrity of the whole bitstream.
Fig 2 – BSM bloc diagram
Test_001 is an example of loading a non-encrypted bitstream with security mode enabled and disabled.
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The loader OTP stores security related data such as keys, seeds for key generation, identifier, anti-rollback counter, secure mode configuration.
Test_004 dump the OTP memory.
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The lifecycle value is stored in the OTP memory. It determines the bitstream configuration interface and the type of BSM accesses authorized and the type of bitstream (crypted or encrypted).
Note: The direct access is proceeded by direct engine with BTS file and the frame access is proceeded by frame engine with BBS or NXB file.
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A cyphered bitstream contains the rollback counter. Deciphering engine compares it to the anti-rollback counter stored into the OTP memory. The check algorithm depends of the life-cycle.
Test_005 program the security data, lifecycle data, encryption keys and anti-rollback counter.
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Depending on the lifecycle, the encryption must be used to properly load a bitstream.