Code Block |
#!/bin/bash #1st arg: number of tests #2nd arg: "random"/"list" #Example 1: ./multi_seed.sh 3 random => Generates 3 tests with random values in range [1;10000] #Example 2: ./multi_seed.sh 5 list => Generates 2 tests with values in list seed_list #To generate a CSV report launch the following command: #Example: python compare_sta.py switch_NG-MEDIUM_ Routed worstcase => Generates a CSV report for all folders containing "switch_NG-MEDIUM_" parsing STA files generated at Routed step in worstcase conditions nxpython_path=/home/groups/soft/nxdesignsuite/integration/nxmap-dbg/lastdevversion/lastdevbuild/bin/nxpython seed_list="13 19" for (( i=0; i< $1; i++)) do if [[ $2 == "random" ]] then seed=$(( RANDOM % 10000 )) $nxpython_path nxmapnxpython_script.py --seed $seed --suffix $seed elif [[ $2 == "list" ]] then seed_list_split=($seed_list) seed=${seed_list_split[$i]} $nxpython_path nxmap_script.py --seed $seed --suffix $seed else echo "Unrecognized mode $2. It must be random or list" fi done |