ImpulseTestcase Template - Test Creation and Setup
The aim of this document is to explain how to create a new test archive based on the NX testcase template in order to perform Impulse steps.
Testcase template archive are available on the following link with associated commands:
ImpulseTestcase Template - User Guide .
RTL sources import
The user must import all the RTL sources in the src directory.
Project Environment Variables
The 1st file to edit is defining all variables related to the testcase environment.
All available values for each variable are displayed when executing the following command:
nxpython -h
Top Cell
DefaultTopCellName: Top Cell Name of the design
DefaultTopCellLib: Top Cell Library of the design
DefaultVariant: NX chip target for the project
AllowedVariants: List of all NX chip targets compliant with the project
DefaultArgument: Argument used in sub scripts in order to launch Impulse steps with different options
AllowedArguments: List of all arguments that can be launch
DefaultBoard: Board target for the potential output bitstream
AllowedBoards: List of all allowed boards for the project. A list must be set for each variant.
DefaultProgressStart: Impulse step the project must start. If not scratch,
DefaultProgressStop: Impulse step the project must stop
DefaultSeed: Seed option for the Impulse placing algorithm
DefaultOptions: Options set to Impulse. Syntax is <name1>.<value1>_<name2>.<value2>_<…>
DefaultTimingDriven: Enable ('Yes') or Disable ('No') TimingDriven option for Impulse placing and routing
DefaultConstraints: Enable ('Yes') or Disable ('No') constraints set in sub_scripts/
DefaultSta: Impulse steps to launch STA. Syntax is <step1>_<step2>_…
DefaultStaCondition: STA conditions. Last is kept for TimingDriven. Syntax is <cond1>_<cond2>_…
DefaultBitstream: Enable ('Yes') or Disable ('No') bitstream generation
DefaultSaveInputs: Enable ('Yes') or Disable ('No') scripts and sources in output project folder
Hereafter an example:
#Top Cell
DefaultTopCellName = 'top'
DefaultTopCellLib = 'work'
DefaultVariant = 'NG-MEDIUM'
DefaultArgument = ''
AllowedArguments = ['','debug']
DefaultBoard = 'DevKit'
AllowedBoards = [['DevKit'],[''],['DevKit']]
DefaultProgressStart= 'scratch'
DefaultProgressStop = 'routed3'
DefaultSeed = '1789'
DefaultOptions = 'DensityEffort.Medium_CongestionEffort.Low'
DefaultTimingDriven = 'Yes'
DefaultConstraints = 'Yes'
DefaultSta = 'placed1_routed3'
DefaultStaCondition = 'typical_worstcase'
DefaultBitstream = 'Yes'
DefaultSaveInputs = 'Yes'
Impulse project
Project Files
All design files with associate files must be defined in sub_scripts/
Method arguments
p: Impulse project variable
sources_files_directory: Pointer to src directory
variant: variant name
argument: script argument
Hereafter an example:
from nxpython import *
def add_files(p,sources_files_directory,variant,argument):
Example using arguments
Hereafter an example using method arguments:
Project Parameters
All design top generics/parameters must be defined in sub_scripts/
Method arguments
p: Impulse project variable
variant: variant name
argument: script argument
Hereafter an example:
Example using arguments
Hereafter an example using method arguments:
Project Options
All project options must be defined in sub_scripts/
Method arguments
p: Impulse project variable
variant: variant name
seed: Impulse seed for placing algorithm
options: Impulse options to be set
argument: script argument
Hereafter an example:
Last condition must not be changed.
Example using arguments
Hereafter an example using method arguments:
Project Constraints
All project constraints must be defined in sub_scripts/
Method arguments
p: Impulse project variable
variant: variant name
argument: script argument
sub_step_nb: Impulse sub step index for Synthesizing([1;3]), Placing([1;5]) and Routing([1;3])
All constraints must be under sub_step_nb condition. Otherwise, constraint will be set at each sub step.
Hereafter an example:
add_constraints method must not be changed.
Example using arguments
Hereafter an example using method arguments:
Project IOs
All project constraints must be defined in sub_scripts/
Method arguments
p: Impulse project variable
variant: variant name
argument: script argument
board: target board to implement the bitstream
Hereafter an example:
Example using arguments
Hereafter an example using method arguments:
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