Nanoxplore Design Contraints (NxDC) : The following python methods are compliant with NxMap:
addReportPath() : this method gives the shortest and the longest delays of a path
addReportPath() supports source & target arguments using new getPin() method
removeConstraints() allows to remove a design constraint from the current project
New Impulse interface
Constraints editor icon to create, import and review timing constraints
STA manager now allows to schedule related flow step launching of analysis
NXcore IP catalog now available for IP configuration & generation through the GUI:
IP updates can be directly added to an existing software release
Select Instance :
Logic Cone Manager tool created to investigate logic cones with associated timings
Python console can source full python scripts
Each FPGA variant provides its own available packages for selection during project creation
Help section incorporates embedded documentations
addHSSLLocation(): set the location spot in which a HSSL should be set
getProject(): returns the project object
removeSoftModules(): removes all HDL soft modules from a project
getAnalyzer(): returns the current analyzer associated to the project to manage STA
printHierInfo(): prints the detailed hierarchy of a project with the module matched and all instances per module
getHierInfo(): returns the detailed hierarchy into a dictionary variable
reportDesignComplexity(): reports the design complexity indicating the logic depth for all paths of the design and illustrates it with a chart in HTML format
clearFabricPrePlacedConstraints(): clears all preplacing constraints for fabric elements
add 'DisableRegisterMergeInDspForAdd' option to tisable merge of registers in DSP when used as adder
progress.rpt : I/O array now describes Registered parameter (Asked:Applied) configured for a pad
spacewire_roadmap IP added in the catalog
spacewire_roadmap_iom added in the catalog : XOR configuration in complex bank to generate SPW recovery clock (available in NG-MEDIUM & NG-LARGE)
NXcore: spw_rx generation issue fixed
SDF : added missing relation for sdf rfb (RA6 to O*)
Backannoted netlist : additional use models for DSP macros implemented
getClockNet() nxpython method cannot be used before Prepare step (Place 1/5)