This document and all of its contents are protected by French and international laws on copyright and intellectual property. They may not be copied, duplicated, reproduced or otherwise disclosed in any form, in whole or in part, to any person or organisation without the prior express written consent of NanoXplore.
The purpose of this document is to guide users of NanoXplore Impulse software through the steps involved in the design flow and to describe the options available in the NanoXplore Design Suite:
Impulse is a graphical interface providing all the the options and possibilities available to perform the entire design flow and floorplanning exploration.
nxpython is a wrapper around a Python executable that enables users to control Impulse software as a wrapper. It fully supports Python syntax, structures and external modules.
The creation of a new project can be performed with both Impulse and nxpython tools.
All commands for nxpython described in this document can be applied to the VHDL examples provided in example folder.
Impulse is intended to operate on a 64 bits Linux workstation running one of the following distributions:
CentOS 7
CentOS 8
RedHat Enterprise Linux 7
RedHat Enterprise Linux 8
Impulse has also been tested on the following distributions:
Impulse requires Python however, to prevent conflicts, we do not provide a preinstalled version of Python with Impulse. Python must therefore be installed on the user's workstation. Impulse is compatible with Python versions 3.6 and above.
For any other distribution or platform issues, please contact the NanoXplore support team:
When a command argument appears with parentheses around the brackets, e.g. “([argument])”, this means the argument is optional |
Minimum Requirements | Recommended Requirements | |
CPU Speed/Processor | 3GHz Quad-Core | 3GHz 8-Core |
Memory | 8GB RAM | 16GB RAM |
Disk Capacity/Type | 2GB (HDD) | 2GB (SSD) |
The Impulse archive provided contains the following directories.
Directory Name | Folder Contents |
bin | Binary files for each supported Linux distribution |
doc | Documentation files in PDF format |
example | Various examples of different projects with VHDL design sources |
lib64 | Dynamic libraries and Python modules for each supported Linux distribution and associated Python version |
share | Additional files (VHDLlibraries, simulation libraries, etc.) |
To install Impulse:
Unpack the compressed nxdesignsuite-VERSION.tar.gz file to the installation directory of your choice
(e.g. /opt/NanoXplore) using the following command:
$> tar xzf nxdesignsuite-VERSION.tar.gz -C /opt/NanoXplore |
Set the license by exporting the following shell variable*:
$> export LM_LICENSE_FILE=27000@servername |
*Where servername is the hostname of the server running the license daemon and 27000 is the port the daemon listens to.
To run Impulse, use the following command:
$> /opt/NanoXplore/impulse/VERSION/bin/impulse |
To run nxpython, use the following command:
$> /opt/NanoXplore/impulse/VERSION/bin/nxpython |
To access Python functionalities in Impulse, call the following command in nxpython:
from nxpython import * |
The entire Design Flow is performed in NanoXplore’s NX tools:
Impulse (the dedicated NX graphical user interface), or
nxpython (the NX Python command-line tool)
Impulse supports VHDL and Verilog |
Impulse provides a graphical interface to help create projects, as well as debug and inspect the design at various stages. For more information on Impulse, please see Impulse (Graphical User Interface).
nxpython is a Python wrapper that allows you to control Impulse. It fully supports Python syntax, structures and external modules. You can use nxpython for the entire design flow or specific targeted steps.
Both Impulse and nxpython are fully compatible so that any file generated by one can be used by the other at any stage in the design flow.
NanoXplore design environment does NOT include any simulation tool. However, user can decide to use a third-pary tool to simulate or verify the design by using HDL files generated by NanoXplore design flow
NanoXplore design environment does NOT include any simulation tool. However, user can decide to use a third-pary tool to simulate or verify the design by using HDL files generated by NanoXplore design flow
Creating a new project starts from scratch, meaning defining a project directory with various sources and configuring several required and optional settings. NanoXplore tools allows to create a new project either from python commands within nxpython tool either by GUI with impulse tool:
refer to section Impulse (Graphical User Interface) to create a project within the impulse GUI interface.
refer to section Nxpython specification to create a project within the nxpython command interface.
Synthesis translates the design hardware description into a gate level netlist using FPGA resources.
The Synthesize step of design flow can be executed in both Impulse and nxpython environments (please refer to sections Synthesize and synthesize().
The Place and Route steps are performed on the synthesized design generated in the previous step.
In these steps, solutions for implementation are found to fit user's design to the FPGA physical architecture:
the placement task computes the positions of the basic instance elements based on design and user defined constraints.
then the routing process assign signals of the design to routing resources in order to successfully route all nets while achieving a given overall performance.
The Place and Route steps of design flow can be executed in both Impulse and nxpython environments:
refer to section Place & Route to launch corresponding states through Impulse GUI interface.
refer to sections place() and route() to launch corresponding steps through nxpython command interface.
The bitstream data format is used to program the FPGA. This step can only be launched after a successful routing step. Refer to sections Export bitstream and generateBitstream(file) for more details.
In nxpython, it is possible to generate post-synthesis, post-place and/or post-route design netlists (Verilog or VHDL) which can be useful for simulation purposes (see section save(file)). In impulse, intermediate netlists are automatically generated.
For design verification, third-party simulation tools can be employed on post-synthesis, place and/or route files. Generated design netlist is given along with the FPGA elements library. This library is provided to the user in VHDL protected format. The library file can be found at the following directory path:
$> /opt/NanoXplore/impulse/VERSION/share/modelsim/nxLibrary.vhdp |
Static Timing Analysis (STA) can be performed by using its Timing Analyzer tool to analyze, debug, and validate the timing performance of the design.
This feature produces a detailed report on the timing characteristics of the design, i.e. timing domains in the design, longest/shortest paths in the domain, path delay, data arrival time, clock skew, etc.
Static Timing Analysis can be performed by Impulse (see section Static Timing Analysis) and nxpython (see section Static Timing Analysis related methods).
Launching Impulse opens the main window of the tool within the graphical interface (following figure).
The Impulse interface at start is organized around:
a horizontal Menu presenting rolling options managed by File, Edit, Tools, Window & Help buttons
a starting window with a direct selection view between either creation of new project or loading an existing project, and an access to the help section
the python console showing and allowing executed python commands in the GUI
The Help rolling menu gives access to several useful sections:
Open Help and Documentation Window section giving access to FPGA variant datasheets, Impulse user guide and starter troubleshooting for beginners
Get Technical Support explains the procedure to ask questions or support using
License Manager displays all enable features by the license file provided by NanoXplore
About Impulse reports the current software version with the associated distribution
Help & troubleshooting section gives some advice for Impulse beginners who may ran into flow known issues and who are looking for some explanations:
Design Flow Overviews presents the main flow milestones of Impulse, including descriptions of Synthesis, Place & Route phases and what exactly is performed during the execution of each step
Known issues review placing & routing common errors a user may encounter during flow execution like oversize, overflow behavior or blending tile
How To section describes usual tool manipulations to perform basic operations such as project creation, IO pads configuration or how to generate a bitstream
The License Manager lists all enable features - including available FPGA variants, specific options & attributes - under the current license file.
Impulse allows to create a new project based on existing test cases included with the tool.
To do so => select File rolling menu → New → Project Example
1. Open and select a Project Template (one is available with the first official release of Impulse but additional examples will be provided in the near future):
2. Select a device and an associated package:
3. Then define a name and a location for the current project:
4. Check and validate the creation of the example project:
Impulse gives access at several configuration settings in order to create an entire project environment from scratch.
To do so => select File rolling menu → New → Project
1. For project creation, define a project name and project location where files, logs, reports and data during the flow execution will be written:
The project name consists in the directory name of the folder where scripts, files and reports will be written.
2. Select either HDL source files or a full directory containing HDL files to be added to sources of the current project:
3. Once sources have been defined, you also have the possibility to set the Top cell name and the Top cell library of the project:
Top cell name field must respect the name of top cell as it is declared in the top level HDL file of the project.
Top cell library field is used to specify the library in which the top cell is defined, work library is defined by default)
Both parameters can be modified after the project creation in Project Settings.
Specify generic HDL parameters for the top level design of the project can be done during the same step of the project creation:
nxpython can also assign generic parameters to the top level of the user’s design through python script execution. For assignment of parameters by nxpython, see the commands addParameter(name, value) or addParameters(parameters).
4. Then you can choose to specify physical & timing constraints associated to the project if you have an existing constraints file at .sdc, .xdc or .py format:
5. Select a device and an associated package:
Each device among NanoXplore FPGAs - NG-Medium, NG-Large, NG-Ultra - can be fitted into different available packages or without package (Package → embedded selected, without IOs pads included). The different packages available for selection are:
- NG-Medium => CQFP-352, LGA-625, PBGA-625
- NG-Large => CLGA-1752, FBGA-1752
- NG-Ultra => FF1760
6. Check and validate the information of the new project before confirming creation:
The starting panel of Impulse allows to either create a new project or open an existing one. In the second case, you have the choice to select Open Project in the panel or to scroll in the Recent history to search among various projects. Impulse supports and loads only .nym database file format:
Impulse can load a project at each flow milestone called Synthesize, Place & Route with their associated flow steps as long as a file at .nym format has been generated during flow execution of the corresponding step.
Once project creation is over or any .nym database has been loaded, you have access to the entire project manager interface offered by Impulse to edit, run, rerun any step of the NanoXplore design flow as desired.
In the details, the Impulse project manager interface is organized around a horizontal scrolling menu and a vertical icon list.
a. Project
Project icon serves to configure project settings, option editing related to each flow step of the NanoXplore Design Flow:
This section also allows to change the default settings of Synthesis, Place, Route and Bitstream step options:
b. Constraints Editor
Constraints Editor identifies existing timing constraints previously declared - either by python script or graphical execution through python console - and saved in the database.
Constraints Editor has several categories for timing constraints classifications:
Ressources section gathers clock related constraints like CreateClock(), CreateGeneratedClock() and SetClockGroup()
Input lists SetInputDelay() constraints
Output lists SetOutputDelay() constraints
Exceptions section regroups SetMulticyclePath(), SetFalsePath(), SetMaxDelay(), SetMinDelay() and SetCaseAnalysis() constraints
The Constraint Editor respects the following syntax for declaration, requiring several mandatory arguments - specified by red asterisk - and optional ones available for some constraints by clicking on Add Parameters:
c. STA manager
STA Manager gives the possibility to schedule - after Synthesis, Place or Route steps - or directly launch a Static Timing Analysis regarding certain parameters such as the requested condition case scenario, the maximum number of violating paths or the maximum slack upon analyze:
d. IP
IP icon gives graphical access to the IP Catalog NXcore provided with Impulse, for IP configuration and generation concerning the provided list:
e. I/O
I/O icon opens the panel for input/output for potential manual attribution or modification of I/O placement into the selected variant up until the first step of Place is launched; once Place 1/5 is launched, the I/O locations will be defined either by constraints provided by user or automatically placed by the software.
The I/O config section describes how inputs/outputs ports of the current design are mapped on specific pads with associated features (location, standard, drive, weak termination, slew rate, termination, input delay line, output delay line, differential, termination reference, turbo, signal slope, output capacity & register type). Pad features are described in addPad(name, parameters) command section.
The Banks_CKG config section describes which banks with associated voltage are configured for the inputs/outputs of the top entity design and which CKG are used to control clock distribution into the design; including the location of the WFG Impulse will use.
Data available in the I/O attribute editor can be copied, exported to files or imported from files using the following icons:
![]() | icon Copy the table |
![]() | icon Export data into a .py or .csv file |
![]() | icon Import data from a .py or .csv file |
I/O config & Banks_CKG config contents can be automatically exported into an external file. The user can choose to export this content either in a python script either in a csv file.
The user also has the ability to import an external set of pads assignment to Configure Ring, which can be defined either in a dedicated python script or in a csv file.
Importing an external set of pads assignment can only be performed after Synthesize flow execution and before the execution of first step of Place flow. Otherwise, the tool will provide automatic pad configuration to execute Place & Route flow steps.
Importing an external set of pads assignment can only be performed after Synthesize flow execution and before the execution of first step of Place flow. Otherwise, the tool will provide automatic pad configuration to execute Place & Route flow steps.
f. Floorplan
Floorplan opens the graphical design view at loaded .nym database status for floorplan exploration:
Apart from the icon list, at any time the user can access the various project management editors through the horizontal scrolling menu:
File menu is used for creating and editing a project or search for a recent one, with the possibility to generate SDF and netlist files at corresponding flow steps
Edit allows to set user preferences among Environment settings (Interface, enable or disable dialog boxes), how to personalize Shortcuts, define options for Build edition to select which use name for .nym file generation to be used, Text Editor choice for user most preferred editor along with associated font properties, Console configuration for light font modifications and View to edit navigation options related to the graphical interface
Project gives access to Project settings menu related to the corresponding icon, also provides the possibility to run Source Analysis in order to check design libraries dependencies & packages found in HDL sources of the current project and offers menu shortcuts to execute each of the design flow steps available as Run Synthesis, Run Place, Run Route and Generate Bitstream
Tools lists all the provided tools within Impulse through this menu access for the Static Timing Analysis Manager, the Constraints Editor, the IP Catalog NXcore, the IO Editor and the Floorplan View
Reports prints in a dedicated panel various reports concerning the project through Impulse’s interface; it is mandatory to execute NanoXplore flow steps through Impulse graphical interface to be able to print corresponding reports
Window offers the choice to view or hide one or several panels of the Impulse interface like the Python console, the Flow navigator, Reports, Log, Messages, Editor, Sources template & Project sources
Help to edit Impulse default settings and check release and license features information
Once the multiple settings for the creation of the current project have been completed, user enters project management to launch design flow steps through Impulse panel.
The design flow steps are available for launching through either the dedicated Flow Navigator panel or the previously described scrolling Tools menu:
Each flow step in the Flow Navigator allows to edit associated flow options to the selected step before launching it, run either the whole Synthesis, Place & Route flow or a selected sub-step for each flow part, the possibility to generate netlist files, possibly SDF files after Route or to run a Static Timing analysis available for each flow step:
Once one or several flow steps have been successfully executed and completed, you can check the Messages panel to look at reported Infos, Warnings & Errors, verify the step flow execution in the associated Log window.
User also have direct graphical access to reports generated at each flow step - labelled in green - in the Reports panel along the Flow navigator.
All messages generated by the application such as generic information, warning and error messages or reports are stored into several log and report files, using either nxpython or Impulse.
When using nxpython, “logsPython” subdirectory is created into the working directory and log files are created inside it during flow execution. nxpython provides several commands to print error, warning or texting user defined messages (see section Export bitstream).
When using the GUI, “logs” subdirectory is created into the working directory and log files and reports are saved inside.
Several log files are created:
general.log | contains all messages printed during the execution of nxmap steps: full tool log. |
synthesize.log | contains all messages printed during the execution of the two synthesis steps. These information are also generated into the general.log file. |
place.log | contains all messages printed during the execution of the five placement steps. These information are also generated into the general.log file. |
route.log | contains all messages printed during the execution of the three routing steps. These information are also generated into the general.log file. |
bitstream.log | contains all messages printed during the execution of the bitstream generation step. These information are also generated into the general.log file. |
Several reports are generated during the design processing to give information about resources utilization such as instances, ports, regions or timing.
nxpython lists in hdlfiles.rpt report all HDL source files provided to Verific tool and also reports in which source file the Top Cell is declared.
nxpython lists in hdlanalysis.rpt report the messages issued by Verific tool during the analysis of HDL source files. This files provides the name of all modules which have been compiled.
nxpython lists in fsmachines.rpt detailed information about finite state machines (FSM) identified in the design. If no FSM has been found, the file will be empty.
nxpython reports in hierarchy.rpt all instances for each module specifically kept by user with the command addModule(). By default, the file reports only the top level module, written ‘~’, if no module has been declared by user. See section addModule(model, instance, format) for description of this nxpython command and check carefully section Creating and handling regions for a complete and detailed example on the best way to keep modules.
User has the possibility to generate instances report utilization of the design mapped on the current variant. For more information about generating instances report with nxpython, please refer to section reportInstances().
nxpython lists in latches.rpt all latch elements synthesized during flow execution.
nxpython prints in maplogic.rpt information issued during the mapping step for the standard logic processing such as flattening design, analyzing memory or analyzing dsp information. This files contains important information which can help for debug purpose.
The memories.rpt file is organized in two sections:
Memory Cells analysis reports all memory elements used during synthesis step. Models and instance names are provided.
Memory Instances processing reports how memories are processed.
The operators.rpt file is organized in two sections:
Operator Cells analysis reports all operators (adder, subtractor, multiplier, comparator, etc…) used during synthesis step. Models and instance names are provided.
Operator Instances processing reports how operators are transformed.
The first section is useful to identify names for command.
The second section is useful to verify that addMappingDirective commands have been properly identified and taken into account by nxpython.
User has the possibility to generate report on the ports found in HDL source and the ones manually set by user in the project. For more information about generating ports report with nxpython, please refer to section reportPorts().
User has the possibility to generate report on the regions manually defined and distributed by user in the project. For more information about generating regions report with nxpython, please refer to section reportRegions().
nxpython lists in registers.rpt all DFF elements without reset. It also indicates the number of DFF without HDL init info, which means without any initial context.
The Timing analysis process creates several report files (.timing), each one containing information about a specific clock domain. For more information about timing report, refer to section Timing reports.
nxpython prints in maplogic.rpt the list of unconnected nets processed during Synthesis flow execution. The information reported in this file depend on specific options of setOptions() command (see section setOption(name, value) for more details): ManageUnconnectedSignals and ManageUnconnectedOutputs. By default, the severity of these two options is set to Error, which means Synthesis flow execution will stop if any incorrect net implementation is encountered. In this case, details of invalid nets will be reported in the report.
The floorplan view into Impulse allows graphical inspection through the synthesized design with a set of specific commands.
On the left of the floorplan panel, a vertical list of icons navigates easily through basic contextual actions such as zoom in, zoom out, scroll left, scroll right, scroll up and scroll down through the floorplan view.
On the right of the floorplan panel, a vertical list of icons enables or masks the following elements displayed in the floorplan view:
Show Lobes displays/masks the lobes of the selected FPGA variant
Show Global Aperture delimits the global aperture, representing the border limits where resources kept inside aperture boundaries should be used by the tool to place and map design elements (see setAperture(column1, row1, column2, row2) for manual command setting)
Show global focus displays/masks the focus, which is a target point placed in a TILE to define a central resource around where the HDL logic elements will be mapped and placed (see setFocus(column, row) for manual command setting)
Show Obstructions option displays obstructions, corresponding to a user-defined set of delimited FPGA resources inside boundaries which will not be used by the tool for mapping, placing and routing resources (see createObstruction(name, column1, row1, column2, row2) for manual command setting). These user-defined resources are removed from the design implementation
Show Regions displays Regions, identified as user-defined sets of delimited FPGA resources inside which specific HDL logic elements should be confined. See Creating and handing regions section for detailed explanations
Show net names on instances pin allows to hide or display net names attached to corresponding pins of registers, LUT elements
Show regions focus displays the focus point for each user-defined region
Show instances color allows to modify the colors of design instances, also according instance color for logical elements constrained in regions to the same color of the corresponding regions
Select nets displays detailed information on single or multiple nets selected through the floorplan (fanout, id, number of instances connected to the net in user-defined regions):
Select nets offers several criteria to parse elements:
By | Filters the type of architecture's element the net is connected to [Plane, Cover, Region, Zone, Instance or Pin]. Plane lists all nets of the design in the whole FPGA variant, Cover excludes nets from I/O ring elements to keep elements in the matrix, Region restrains selected nets to defined region constraints, Zone restricts nets to selected TILE or CGB elements, Instance allows to list and select nets connected to any chosen instance (LUT, DFF, RAM, DSP, etc…) and Pin shows the net connected to current selected pin. |
Scope | Filters the nets of the design following specific criteria [All, Exterior, Interior, Incoming, Outgoing or Crossing]. Any lists all nets computed by the tool, Exterior lists only nets outside of the Fabric (connecting current IOs and CKG elements), Interior lists only nets inside the Fabric (connecting TILE and CGB elements), Incoming lists nets connecting input pads to Fabric elements, Outgoing lists nets connecting Fabric elements to output pads and Crossing lists nets coming from input pads and going to output pads. |
Fanout | parses the number of nets of the design based on fanout criteria [All from 10+, 20+, 30+, 40+, 50+, 60+, 70+, 80+, 90+, 100+] |
Sector | filters the nets of the design by number of sectors impacted [Any, None, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1+, 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 6+, 7+, 8+, 9+, 10+]. The number of sectors in which Impulse will divide the nets depend on the size and the complexity of the design, which affect how the resources are spread and distributed around the sectors. For small designs, a small number of sectors could be enough as few logic elements need to be placed. |
Once a group of net elements has been selected, the user has the ability to filter information with Combine and Select options of Selection section in order to navigate through matching elements specified in Name field.
The Name field allows to enter any string to filter corresponding net names, all finding results are listed below with matching net IDs and names. Various options of Combine and Select fields allow to choose one or several matching elements based on some criteria to be highlighted in the selection. Note that you can scale zoom to fit selected elements and clear all selected items in Name field with according options.
User also has the Detail option which lists for a selected net its corresponding ID, name, the maximum fanout and the number of instances connected to this net through the floorplan.
Select paths provides STA information on the selected paths and allows to select / show into the floorplan multiple paths with longest/shortest path plus clock domain selection:
The Selection panel provides Combine and Select fields, allowing to choose one or several matching elements based on some criteria to be highlighted:
Until Place 1/5 step flow, identified as the Prepared step, regions constraints can be manually edited through the floorplan view using Edit regions command.
To do so, select a defined region among the listed ones in the Selection panel and it will be highlighted in blank into the floorplan, allowing to expand or decrease left, right corners dimensions of the region at top and bottom.
Once the region dimensions have been edited, don’t forget to validate the changes by clicking on Apply constraints icon on the left of the floorplan.
Impulse provides a dedicated Region manager through the selection panel giving the possibility to perform through floorplan view the following actions:
Shows all Regions and Modules with their corresponding names, dimensions, locations, the partitioning of the resources included in the regions per type (LUT, DFF, Carry, DSP, Register File, RAM)
possibility to Create/Resize/Delete Region dynamically
Assigns Module to a new Region dynamically BUT creation from scratch of new Modules inside the Region manager is not possible
Clipboards and generates python file with all Region/Module/SetSIte/(DSP/RAM) location
Combine Edit regions command with Regions manager functionalities to edit manually modify regions.
User can parse a list of Regions/Obstructions using this Region manager menu as it provides various actions through several right click dynamic menus:
outside existing regions, the logic is scattered into the fabric (identified as top level element with ‘~') and a right click on this gives access to General and Region '~’ menus
General allows to Edit Fabric dimensions inside which logic should be mapped, Create a Region or Create an Obstruction from scratch
Region ‘~’ allows to edit the dimensions of the top level '~’ region of the design, which represents by default the top level design and the logic inside it which is not constrained within user-defined regions
Right Click → Select General → Edit Fabric to open the labelled editor and edit the dimensions of the fabric '~' as well as the relative focus point in order to modify the size of the matrix used by default to map resources
Right Click → Select General → Create obstruction to open the labelled editor and create a user-defined obstruction with desired coordinates
→ If coordinates are missing or out of bounds, Impulse will issue a red warning message and won’t be able to validate the obstruction creation until the coordinates are corrected
Right Click → Select General → Create Region to open the labelled editor and create a user-defined region with desired Name, color Tone, choose if the region is exclusive or not, set Aperture coordinates to define the location and size of the region, set Anchor coordinates for the focus point (placed in the middle of the fabric by default when inherit focus is picked)
Moving the mouse cursor on an existing region or module will give you access to the following menu using right click, you can edit characteristics of existing regions
For existing regions that have previously been declared through nxpython methods in a dedicated script, logic instances have been constrained into these regions via module identification:
project.constrainModule(hierarchy, moduleName, type, leftCol, topRow, width, height, regionName)
user has the possibility through Right click → Module → Edit to move instance logic attached to a module from one region to another one
→ for the associated module, select which region will used to constrain the associated logic instances
→ click on accept when the destination region is selected and you will observe in the floorplan that the logic instances color identification will be modified to match the destination region color
→ don’t forget to click on Refresh button for the modifications to be taken into account into the floorplan panel
user also has the possibility to import any constraint change performed from Impulse into nxpython equivalent commands for a python script overview : click on Copy constraints in the Region manager and paste the commands into the script
Copy constraints can only import modifications of existing regions into contrainModule() commands. If regions have been created through nxpython old methods (createRegion(), addModule(), confineModule()), Impulse won’t be able to make a Copy constraints and will generate an error. |
Once you created or modified a region or an obstruction constraint, don’t forget to click on Apply constraints icon on the left side of floorplan panel to save the changes into the .nym database file.
The Select instances command allows user to select one or several design instances based on different criteria and print corresponding name instance information in Selection panel.
When setting Command drop-down menu to Select instances, By drop-down menu to Plane and then clicking on the architecture representation in floorplan panel, all matching instances for the selected menu will be added in the Name field with the number of results found given current criteria. Selected items in Name list are highlighted in the floorplan panel upon Selection. Selection of instances can be adjusted with ID, Type, Location and Name arguments.
When choosing Select instances, the available criteria is:
By | Selects the level among FPGA resources in which instances are listed and reported in Selection [Plane, Zone or Instance]. Plane option lists all instances used to map the current design on resources of the FPGA including instances locating inside CKG or iobanks for example. Region option parses instances to report following user-defined region constraints. Zone option reduce the scale of printed instances to the current selected zone, which can be an iobank, a CKG, a TILE, etc… Instance option lists instance name at lower level such as pads, PLLs, LUTs, DFFs, etc... |
Category | Parses several levels of resources used to map logical elements such as LUT, RAM, DFF, Buffers, I/O configuration device, connecting elements between the matrix and the ring, etc… |
When using Select instances command, user directly accesses information of the current selected instance detailed by Name, if the instance is part of a module or a region, its location in the design, potential configuration information depending of the kind of instances, etc…
When using command Select instances, setSite management - allows to select and move & place an instance into another site location - is available only at Place 1/5 step through the Selection panel: it allows to dynamically move and place a selected instance through Locking button.
Select an instance to be moved in the floorplan, click on Locking to access the following possibilities:
Lock in target allows to select a target for the resource to be placed directly into the floorplan
In the above example, the instance name selected is GEN_HIER0|GEN_ROW[0].ROW_PIPE|pipe_reg_reg[11][I], originally placed by default into the TILE[15x6] as seen on the location field in the details part of Selection Panel
In the right part of Selection panel, dedicated to Locking actions with Unlock, Lock in place & Lock in target actions, the target location is dynamically adjusted as the cursor is moved into the floorplan
Once the target location is set for example in TILE[9x6], click on it through the floorplan and the instance will be automatically moved into the targeted resource and the location information in the instance list will be automatically updated as shown below
The target for a resource previously placed can be edited and modified using Unlock button:
the previous target placement will be relaxed
you can reuse Lock in target to change the target resource as desired
When you want to fix a target resource for an instance already defined by the tool in order to be kept through the whole Place & Route flow, click on Lock in place to permanently fix the target for the selected instance
When using command Select instances, Logic Cone Manager - available in Tools panel near floorplan - allows for any selected instance - or group of instances as the By argument provides flexibility on the selection process - to visually identify either all incoming logic elements driving the inputs of this instance or all outgoing logic elements driven by this specific chosen instance; that way, the Logic Cone Manager lists all directly connected resources to the desired instance and calculate the delay from the instance to each type or resource connected to it.
The Logic Cone Manager provides worstcase, bestcase and typical conditions choice through a scrolling button.
Reported elements to be analyze for the selected instance can be parsed by a desired type of pin : Clock, Load or Reset.
Useful options to use within the Logic Cone Manager are Depth and Max Depth arguments, which allow to extend from one selected elements analyzed with their accumulated timing values to several level of logical instances to be shown and included in the graph. That way, a user can trace back multiple layers of instances back and forward to determine complex dependencies in data paths and how simplification for timing purpose could be useful.
The Edit focus command allows user to select which TILE resource Impulse must focus on for Place & Route flow steps, meaning Impulse will place various elements of the current design going to fabric resources around the focus point. By default, the focus point is placed in the middle of the FPGA but user can choose where to place it (following figure). Clicking on Apply will validate the choice of the TILE element chosen to place the focus point.
Once Place flow steps have been executed, resources of the current design are mapped around the chosen focus point.
Selecting focus point placement in floorplan panel can only be performed launching Place flow
Selecting focus point placement in floorplan panel can only be performed launching Place flow
The Edit aperture command allows user to edit the size of the aperture around the FPGA resources used for Place & Route steps. By default, the aperture size before launching Impulse flow steps is fitted to the fabric boundaries of the FPGA variant selected, excluding I/O ring.
The size of the aperture can be edited as much as needed (following figure) but user must keep in mind that the current design to be synthesized, placed & routed in the FPGA will have to use a minimum of resources to be correctly mapped. In other words, user can’t define a size for aperture which is too small to map the full design requested otherwise Impulse will generate an error during Place step, preventing the tool to execute all subsequent steps for current design.
As long as aperture is fitted to design needs, Impulse will be able to place design elements among resources restricted with aperture size (following figure).
The View obstructions command allows user to see obstructions created among the resources of the FPGA. Obstructions will be recognized by Impulse as forbidden resources excluded from elements used during flow execution various steps to place and route the logic instances of the design.
Obstructions can be created through nxpython until the execution of Place flow to be taken into account with the dedicated command createObstructiin(). Here is a brief example with some nxpython command lines:
project = createProject("/path/to/working/directory/") project.createObstruction('OBSTRUC1', 4, 6, 5, 6) project.createObstruction('OBSTRUC2', 13, 6, 14, 6)'native.nym') ## obstructions created and saved before launching synthesis steps |
Obstructions can only be created before launching Place flow during the execution of global steps. Obstructions created during next and further flow steps will not be accepted by the tool.
Obstructions can only be created before launching Place flow during the execution of global steps. Obstructions created during next and further flow steps will not be accepted by the tool.
nxpython provides a set of commands that allows to create specific regions among the current FPGA target variant in which some user-defined logic can be restricted during Place and Route execution steps. The purpose of this section is to help user understanding the mechanisms behind the creation of regions through a complete example. Two commands have been designed for this purpose:
First, user has to identify which particular logic resources will have to be specifically restricted into a region for timing optimization purpose. NanoXplore design flow through nxpython tool provides a specific approach that consists in gathering logic elements and resources into identified modules through the existing design hierarchy and then confine these modules within regions bounded to desired FPGA resources.
constrainModule() has been implemented to create region constraints in order to confine logic instances inside with the following purpose:
Simplifying logic identification inside the design
Using only information provided in hierarchy.rpt without handling regular expression pattern detection
Reduce the number of commands used for region constraining from three dedicated command for the previous process to only one efficient method easy to use for the user
After a first run execution of the synthesis flow step in Impulse, hierarchy.rpt provides all hierarchy design information needed to define constrainModule() commands for the design:
HDL Modules Hierarchy Detail section
Default User module detection in the report will only report ‘Module ~’, which is the notation representing the top level HDL module hierarchy when no constraint has been set
Note this report also provides a precise repartition of the design mapped on the different components of the fabric and Clock generator blocks (CKG):
cross domain clock, clock buffer, clock switch
DSP, RAM (CGB components)
WFG, PLL (CKG components)
Classic examples using hierarchy.rpt to identify logic instances to be constrained into regions ( ‘|->’ is not mandatory but is accepted for hierarchy argument):
project = createProject() project.constrainModule('|-> INTERP_x2_20M_to_40M [ INT_20_40 ]', 'INT_20_40_MOD', 'Hard', 5, 4, 2, 3, 'INT_20_40', False) project.constrainModule('|-> INTERP_x2_40M_to_80M [ INT_40_80 ]', 'INT_40_80_MOD', 'Hard', 7, 4, 2, 3, 'INT_40_80', False) project.constrainModule('|-> SRL_MEM_SYMMETRY_EVEN(X834F2609) [ FIR_MF|MEM|EVEN.MLT.NR[0].FIRST.FIRST_EVEN ]', 'FIRST_EVEN_MOD', 'Hard', 1, 10, 1, 1, 'FIRST_EV_1_R', False) project.constrainModule('|-> SRL_MEM_SYMMETRY_EVEN(X30E78A1F) [ FIR_MF|MEM|EVEN.MLT.NR[1].OTHE.OTH_EVEN ]', 'OTH_EV_1', 'Hard', 2, 10, 1, 1, 'OTH_EV_1_R', False) project.constrainModule('|-> nx#NX_DSP_SPLIT(X2C70EFCA) [ FIR_MF|GEN_DSP[0].DSP|G_INST.DSP ]', 'DSP_MOD_1’, Hard', 1, 8, 1, 1, 'DSP_SPLIT_1’, False) project.constrainModule('|-> nx#NX_DSP_SPLIT(X2C70EFCA) [ FIR_MF|GEN_DSP[2].DSP|G_INST.DSP ]', 'DSP_MOD_3', 'Soft', 3, 8, 1, 2, 'DSP_SPLIT_3', True )'/rtl/native.nym') project.synthesize():'/rtl/synthesized.nym') |
Once Synthesize step of the flow is executed using region constraints from constrainModule() commands, hierarchy.rpt provides useful information to check preliminary constraints as written by user before flow implementation - specified by Unused (Not yet assigned) - and after usage by the tool for execution.
If the syntax of some constraints is wrong - assuming that if hierarchy argument of constrainModule() is not matching an existing model instance - those will be labelled as unused by Impulse.
A Usage labelled ‘unused’ implies the corresponding constrainModule() cannot be applied to the design flow.
In hierarchy.rpt, successfully created modules by constraints are listed with the list of resources mobilized for each one of the modules.
Before opening the floorplan panel of Impulse, one can easily check how many hierarchy instances are gathered into newly created regions by checking the HDL module hierarchy section of hierarchy.rpt:
And finally, a look a floorplan panel of Impulse offers visual glimpse on how region constraints with the associated logic instances placed inside are placed in delimited resources with color codes:
constrainPath() provides even more precision in identifying logic instances aimed for placement by specifying all elements between selected registers to be confined into a specific region.
This method takes in argument a list of source and destination registers between which all logic elements (LUT, carry) will be constrained into a region specified by the coordinates provided with the dedicated arguments.
constrainPath() allows to identify and constrain at register name level whereas constrainModule() is used to constrain at hierarchical instance levels described in hierarchy.rpt file, so offers more flexibility to identify and confine smaller parts of the design in case touchy timing paths require precise placement.
Registers provided as source and target arguments will also be part of the logic constrained and included into the region; DSP and memory macros - containing pipeline registers - such as RAM and Register Files are also identified as source and target arguments for constrainPath().
During nxpython command execution, constrainPath() has priority over constrainModule() and can be used to constrain specific logic between registers inside a region previously created with constrainModule().
Some examples of command to use constrainPath():
project = createProject() project.constrainPath(['i_cpt_0|s_cpt_out_reg*'],['i_cpt_1|s_cpt_out_reg*'],'cpt0_to_1_module','Soft',9,6,2,3,'cpt0_to_1_region',False) project.constrainPath(['i_cpt_1|s_cpt_out_reg*'],['i_cpt_2|s_cpt_out_reg*'],'cpt1_to_2_module','Soft',11,6,2,3,'cpt1_to_2_region',True) project.constrainPath(['i_cpt_2|s_cpt_out_reg[0]'],['i_cpt_3|s_cpt_out_reg[0]'],'cpt2_to_3_module',13,6,2,3,'cpt2_to_3_region')'/rtl/native.nym') project.synthesize():'/rtl/synthesized.nym') |
Attributes can be set to signals in the design code in order to tag this signal and affect some configurations.
nx_init attribute is used to initialize an inferred memory with a file.
attribute NX_INIT: string; attribute NX_INIT of s_mem: signal is "../initdata.nx"; |
nx_port attribute is used to configure an IO pad.
attribute NX_PORT: string; attribute NX_PORT of RST : signal is "(location= IOB11_D09P, turbo= True, inputSignalSlope=20)"; attribute NX_PORT of cout0_a : signal is "[ all :( turbo=True, standard= LVCMOS, inputSignalSlope= 20)" & "; 0 : ( location= IOB5_D01P, standard= LVCMOS, drive= 2mA )" & "; 1 : ( location= IOB5_D01N, standard= LVCMOS, drive= 4mA )" & "; 2 : ( location= IOB5_D02P, standard= LVCMOS, drive= 8mA )" & "; 3 : ( location= IOB5_D02N, standard= LVCMOS, drive= 16mA )]"; |
nx_use attribute is used to add a mapping directive to a memory or an operator.
attribute NX_USE: string; attribute NX_USE of s_mem_0: signal is "RAM"; attribute NX_USE of mult: signal is "NX_DSP"; |
syn_keep or syn_noprune attributes are used to set a net as mandatory disabling signal optimization.
attribute syn_keep: boolean; attribute syn_keep of s_keep_it_0: signal is true; attribute syn_noprune: boolean; attribute syn_noprune of s_keep_it_1: signal is true; |
syn_preserve attribute is used to set a register as mandatory disabling signal optimization.
attribute syn_preserve: boolean; attribute syn_preserve of hier_in_row_p2: signal is true; |