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Vendor Daemon Configuration page
All the contents of this document are protected by the copyright law. They may not be disclosed to third parties or copied or duplicated in any form without the written consent of NanoXplore.
This document is intended to help user to configure and install the NanoXplore License Manager Daemon (NXLMD) needed to use NanoXplore tools.
Although it should work correctly on any recent 64 bits Linux and Windows operating system, NanoXplore License Manager Daemon has been successfully tested on the following systems:
RedHat Enterprise Linux 7 and 8
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and 20.04 LTS
Windows Server
For any other distribution or platform, please contact NanoXplore team at
Please note that you should launch some of the described Linux commands as root, adding “sudo” in front of each command.
Package description
The provided package NXLMD-2.2-linux.tar.gz contains the following directories:
NXLMD root directory
2.2 current version
bin contains binary files
etc contains one service file to automate daemon execution (only on Linux)
The provided package contains the following directories:
NXLMD root directory
2.2 current version
bin contains binary files
In this document we refer to the directory where the NXLMD files are installed as the installation directory. The default / recommended directory is /opt/NanoXplore.
If the installation directory does not exist, create it:
$> mkdir /opt/NanoXplore
To install the NanoXplore License Manager Daemon, unpack NXLMD-2.2-linux.tar.gz file into the installation directory using the following command:
$> tar xzvf NXLMD-2.2-linux.tar.gz -C /opt/NanoXplore
Linux distribution adaptation
The NanoXplore License Manager Daemon supports several Linux distributions. You have to point to the correct one in updating the symbolic links in the directory /opt/NanoXplore/NXLMD/2.2/bin. Please go to the bin directory and update all the existing links with the following commands (e.g. for RHEL 7):
$> ln -sfn x86_64_RHEL_7/lmgrd lmgrd $> ln -sfn x86_64_RHEL_7/lmhostid lmhostid $> ln -sfn x86_64_RHEL_7/lmstat lmstat $> ln -sfn x86_64_RHEL_7/lmutil lmutil $> ln -sfn x86_64_RHEL_7/NXLMD NXLMD $> ln -sfn x86_64_RHEL_7/lmadmin lmadmin
Linking libraries
The NanoXplore License Manager Daemon needs the library which might not be installed on Linux distribs. The following command must be done:
$> ln -s /lib64/ /lib64/
Retrieve information for licensing
To get the needed license file from NanoXplore, the customer provides two pieces of information:
the name of the host where the License Manager Daemon is installed, use the following command:
$> hostname
the License Manager Host ID provided by the binary located in /opt/NanoXplore/NXLMD/2.2/bin, use the following command:
$> /opt/NanoXplore/NXLMD/2.2/bin/lmhostid
License file
Once you get the license file it has to be copied in the installation directory:
$> cp license.lic /opt/NanoXplore/NXLMD/2.2/license.lic
Install in a non-default directory
You can install NXLMD in a non-default directory ${MY_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY} using the following command:
$> tar xzvf NXLMD-2.2-linux.tar.gz -C ${MY_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY}
You also have to change the path in the license file:
In this document we refer to the directory where the NXLMD files are installed as the installation directory. The default / recommended directory is C:\NanoXplore.
Unzip the archive in the C:\NanoXplore directory.
License file
The license file has to be copied in the installation directory C:\NanoXplore\NXLMD\2.2\.
Service script
Running the NanoXplore License Manager Daemon as a service requires the installation of the provided lmadmin service.
Simply copy the lmadmin.service file to /etc/systemd/system directory:
$> cp /opt/NanoXplore/NXLMD/2.2/etc/lmadmin.service /etc/systemd/system/
Please make sure that the user and group specified in lmadmin.service file exists.
Please make sure that the user has writing rights in /opt/NanoXplore/NXLMD.
The user and group cannot be ‘root’. Use instead a specific user like ‘lmadmin’ for example.
If you choose to use the default user specified in the lmadmin.service file, you will have to execute the following commands:
$> useradd lmadmin $> chown -R lmadmin:lmadmin /opt/NanoXplore
Manual execution
To manage the NanoXplore License Manager Daemon manually, you can use the following commands:
$> systemctl start lmadmin
$> systemctl stop lmadmin
$> systemctl restart lmadmin
Automatic execution
Use systemctl to add the new service:
$> systemctl enable lmadmin
Then start the NanoXplore License Manager Daemon with the following command:
$> systemctl start lmadmin
To print status information about the NanoXplore License Manager Daemon, use the command:
$> systemctl status lmadmin
Execution log files are available in /opt/NanoXplore/NXLMD/ directory.
To stop the NanoXplore License Manager Daemon, use the command:
$> systemctl stop lmadmin
Manual execution
Launch a Windows PowerShell and go to the installation directory of NXLMD:
$> cd C:\NanoXplore\NXLMD\2.2\bin\lmadmin
To launch the lmadmin service, use the following command:
$> .\lmadmin.exe
Automatic execution
Launch a Windows PowerShell as administrator and go to the installation directory of NXLMD:
$> cd C:\NanoXplore\NXLMD\2.2\bin\lmadmin
To add the lmadmin service to Windows run the following command:
$> .\lmadmin.exe –installService lmadmin
Configuration of lmadmin
Once lmadmin service is launched, you have to configure it.
Open a navigator and access the following URL: (If you launched the navigator on your server).
You should obtain the following page.
Click on the “Administration” tab. You will be asked to sign in. The default user name and password are “admin” / ”admin”.
Once logged in, you will be prompted to change the admin password.
Next, click on the “Vendor Daemon Configuration” tab.
You can now import your license file by clicking the “Import License” button.
Once imported, the license daemon should be automatically launched.
To check the status, go back to the “Dashboard” tab and click on the “Concurrent” button. If the license daemon is well configured, you should obtain a page similar to:
Configuration of variables
When launching NanoXplore tools, the variable LM_LICENCE_FILE must be exported.
In order to avoid mentioning it during each execution, the most convenient way is to add it in the ~/.bashrc file with the following format:
For instance:
export LM_LICENCE_FILE=2700@localhost
You can check the execution log file in the following directory if you use the service nxlmd:
$> /var/log/NXLMD.log
If you use the service lmadmin, you can check the execution log file in the following directory:
$> /opt/NanoXplore/NXLMD/2.2/bin/lmadmin/logs/NXLMD.log
You can check the execution log files in:
$> C:\NanoXplore\NXLMD\2.2\bin\lmadmin\logs
lmadmin (Linux)
If you have the following message in the /opt/NanoXplore/NXLMD/2.2/bin/lmadmin/logs/web.log:
[alert] getpwuid: couldn't determine user name from uid 4294967295
You probably have launched lmadmin as root.
Try to launch it as another user (dedicated lmadmin for example).
Be sure that this user is the owner of the /opt/NanoXplore/NXLMD directory.
lmhostid (Linux)
If you have the following message in the execution log file (for example):
Wrong hostid on SERVER line for license file: ${MY_LICENSE_FILE} SERVER lines says 08002780463d, hostid is (Can't get hostid of type 2 []) Invalid hostid on SERVER line
You have probably the wrong network interface. To change it, see previous sections.
If you want to check the hostid found by NXLMD without running the server, you can use the following command:
You have to get a full hostid with ${HOSTID} not empty:
The FlexNet host ID of this machine is "${HOSTID}"
lmstat (Linux)
You can check that NanoXplore License Manager Daemon runs correctly using the following command:
GLIBC problem (Linux)
If you have the following error message:
NXLMD: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by NXLMD)
You have to change the links in directory ${MY_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY}/NXLMD/2.2/bin to your OS version. For example:
lmgrd -> x86_64_UBUNTU_18/lmgrd lmhostid -> x86_64_UBUNTU_18/lmhostid lmstat -> x86_64_UBUNTU_18/lmstat lmutil -> x86_64_UBUNTU_18/lmutil NXLMD -> x86_64_UBUNTU_18/NXLMD
hostname problem (Linux)
You can check that you have your hostname written in the file /etc/hosts.
Firewall problem
If you have a firewall set, you must add a specific rule for lmgrd port (default is 27000) and for NXLMD port.
You can manually specify the NXLMD port in license file. For example, to set the port 27010:
Do not forget to add a rule for this port too.
If the Windows firewall is enabled, you have to authorize lmadmin and lmgrd. On the first launch of the server, Windows will ask you if you want to authorize the service. Otherwise, you can manually add them in the firewall parameters.
No such file or directory (Linux)
If you have the following message when launching ‘journalctl –xe’ command:
$> lmadmin.service: Failed at step EXEC spawning /opt/NanoXplore/NXLMD/2.2/bin/lmadmin/lmadmin: No such file or directory
The file is probably missing. Run the following command to check it:
$> ls -l /lib64/ld-lsb-x86-64*
If there is no result, run the following command:
$> sudo ln -s /lib64/ /lib64/