Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: add StaConstraint/ReportPath testcase


  • Attribute:

    • NxInit

    • NxPort

    • NxUse

    • SynKeep

    • SynPreserve

  • Board:

    • Scope

    • SwichBlink

    • ThermalSensor

  • Component

    • ClockSwitch

    • DspConfig

    • IoConfig

    • PllConfig

    • RamConfig

    • RfbConfig

    • Service

    • Soc

    • WfgConfig

  • Design

    • DelayIo

    • DspCascaded

    • DspMultAcc

    • DspTranspose

    • LowskewManagement

    • MemInfer

  • Init

    • Ram

  • Ip

    • CrossDomain

    • Ddr2Dfi

    • HsslEsistream

    • R5AxiMaster

    • R5AxiSlave

    • R5Jtag

    • Serdes

    • SpacewireLoopback

    • SpacewireRoadmap

  • MappingDirective

    • Adder

    • BlackBox

    • Memory

  • Pad

    • Parameter

    • Registered

  • PlacingConstraint

    • Aperture

    • ConstrainPath

    • DspLocation

    • ExportSites

    • Focus

    • Obstruction

    • PreplaceIp

    • RamLocation

    • Region

    • RingLocation

    • Site

  • StaConstraint

    • ClockGroup

    • DelayPath

    • FalsePath

    • GeneratedClock

    • InputOutputDelay

    • ReportPath


Testcase content

Each testcase of this application note contains the following fields:


The user can apply a minimum and a maximum data arrival time on inputs and outputs using respectively setInputDelay and setOutputDelay NXpython methodmethods.

These methods need a created clock to be set.


Code Block
    |   +--------+-----------+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+------------+------------+----------------+--------+--------------------------------+
    |   |   No.  |   Slack   |              Source              |              Target             | Data Delay | Clock Skew | Setup/Recovery |  Depth |              Note              |
    |   +--------+-----------+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+------------+------------+----------------+--------+--------------------------------+
    |   |      1 | -17.951ns | Pin: i_cpt_2|s_cpt_out_reg[0].CK | Pin: cpt_out[0].I               |   20.240ns |   -7.711ns |              - |      1 |  setOutputDelay: 10.000ns (RR) |
    |   |      2 | -14.913ns | Pin: i_cpt_2|s_cpt_out_reg[2].CK | Pin: cpt_out[2].I               |   17.202ns |   -7.711ns |              - |      1 |  setOutputDelay: 10.000ns (RR) |
    |   |      3 | -13.769ns | Pin: i_cpt_2|s_cpt_out_reg[1].CK | Pin: cpt_out[1].I               |   16.058ns |   -7.711ns |              - |      1 |  setOutputDelay: 10.000ns (RR) |
    |   |      4 | -13.678ns | Pin: i_cpt_2|s_cpt_out_reg[3].CK | Pin: cpt_out[3].I               |   15.967ns |   -7.711ns |              - |      1 |  setOutputDelay: 10.000ns (RR) |
    |   |      5 |  -5.233ns | Pin: cpt_in[1].O                 | Pin: i_cpt_0|s_cpt_out_reg[3].L |   21.756ns |    7.614ns |        1.091ns |      2 |   setInputDelay: 10.000ns (RR) |
    |   |      6 |  -5.233ns | Pin: cpt_in[1].O                 | Pin: i_cpt_0|s_cpt_out_reg[2].L |   21.756ns |    7.614ns |        1.091ns |      2 |   setInputDelay: 10.000ns (RR) |
    |   |      7 |  -5.233ns | Pin: cpt_in[1].O                 | Pin: i_cpt_0|s_cpt_out_reg[1].L |   21.756ns |    7.614ns |        1.091ns |      2 |   setInputDelay: 10.000ns (RR) |
    |   |      8 |  -5.233ns | Pin: cpt_in[1].O                 | Pin: i_cpt_0|s_cpt_out_reg[0].L |   21.756ns |    7.614ns |        1.091ns |      2 |   setInputDelay: 10.000ns (RR) |
    |   |      9 |    -963ps | Pin: cpt_in[3].O                 | Pin: i_cpt_0|s_cpt_out_reg[3].L |   17.486ns |    7.614ns |        1.091ns |      2 |   setInputDelay: 10.000ns (RR) |
    |   |     10 |    -963ps | Pin: cpt_in[3].O                 | Pin: i_cpt_0|s_cpt_out_reg[2].L |   17.486ns |    7.614ns |        1.091ns |      2 |   setInputDelay: 10.000ns (RR) |


Simulation check: No simulation environment is available for this testcase.


Board check: No board purpose for this testcase.



The user can generate timing reports between two pins or two registers with respectively reportPath or addReportPath and reportTiming or addReportTimingPath NXpython methods.

The aim of reportPath or addReportPath is to indicate the detailed path between 2 pins of 2 instances and all the instances within the path with associated delay for each step.

reportPath or addReportPath expect a Port or a Pin as an argument

Hereafter an example for both methods:

Code Block
Timing_analysis = p.createAnalyzer()
Timing_analysis.reportPath(maximumSlack = 500, searchPathsLimit = 10, source = getPort('in_1'), target = getPin('i_clock_0|out_1_reg.I'))

Timing_analysis = p.createAnalyzer()
Timing_analysis.addReportPath(source = getPin('i_clock_0|counter_1_reg[1].CK'), target = getPin('i_clock_0|counter_1_reg[1].I'))
Timing_analysis.launch({'maximumSlack': 500, 'searchPathsLimit': 10, 'conditions': sta_condition})

The aim of reportTiming or addReportTimingPath is to check the required frequency is reached between 2 registers.

reportTiming or addReportTimingPath expect a Port or a Register as an argument

Hereafter an example for both methods:

Code Block
Timing_analysis = p.createAnalyzer()
Timing_analysis.reportTiming(maximumSlack = 500, searchPathsLimit = 10, source = getRegister('i_clock_0|clk_fabric_reg'), target = getRegister('i_clock_0|counter_reg[0]'))

Timing_analysis = p.createAnalyzer()
Timing_analysis.addReporTimingPath(source = getRegister('i_clock_0|clk_fabric_reg'), target = getRegister('i_clock_0|clk_fabric_reg'))
Timing_analysis.launch({'maximumSlack': 500, 'searchPathsLimit': 10, 'conditions': sta_condition})


Here after the table of compliances for this testcase.












createClock reportPath addReportPath reportTiming addReportTimingPath removeReportPath removeReportTimingPath removeTimingConstraint resetTimingConstraints getRegister getPin getPort

Table: StaConstraint ReportPath environment

Option: There are two options to check the impact of these constraints:

  • No option: No created clock and no report.

  • ReportPath: Clock are created and path reports generated

  • ReportTiming: Clock are created and timing reports generated


NanoXmap check: After project launching, the user can check there is a report generated for the required paths.

  • ReportPath option:

REPORTER_path_0_worstcase_routed.timing and REPORT_path_1_worstcase_routed.timing are generated with respective required path:

Code Block
        | Reporting longest paths for REPORTER_path_0
        |   +--------+--------+-------------+----------------------------+------------+------------+----------------+--------+--------+
        |   |   No.  |  Slack |    Source   |           Target           | Data Delay | Clock Skew | Setup/Recovery |  Depth |  Note  |
        |   +--------+--------+-------------+----------------------------+------------+------------+----------------+--------+--------+
        |   |      1 |      - | Pin: in_1.O | Pin: i_clock_0|out_1_reg.I |   10.145ns |          - |              - |      0 |        |
        |   +--------+--------+-------------+----------------------------+------------+------------+----------------+--------+--------+
        |   | Total                         |                                                                              1 |        |
        |   +-------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+


Code Block
        | Reporting longest paths for REPORTER_path_1
        |   +--------+--------+------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------------+------------+----------------+--------+--------+
        |   |   No.  |  Slack |               Source               |               Target              | Data Delay | Clock Skew | Setup/Recovery |  Depth |  Note  |
        |   +--------+--------+------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------------+------------+----------------+--------+--------+
        |   |      1 |      - | Pin: i_clock_0|counter_1_reg[1].CK | Pin: i_clock_0|counter_1_reg[1].I |    1.961ns |          - |              - |      2 |        |
        |   +--------+--------+------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------------+------------+----------------+--------+--------+
        |   | Total                                                |                                                                                     1 |        |
        |   +------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+

  • ReportTiming option:

DOMAIN_clk_main_to_clk_main_Routed_worstcase.timing is generated with required timing path:

Code Block
        | Summary of DOMAIN_clk_main_to_clk_main
        |   +---------------------------------------+--------------------------+-------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
        |   |                 Domain                |         Frequency        |            Hold/Removal Summary           |           Setup/Recovery Summary           |
        |   +-------------------+-------------------+------------+-------------+---------+--------------+------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+
        |   |       Source      |       Target      |  Required  |   Maximum   |  Slack  | Minimum Data | Minimum Required |   Slack  | Maximum Data | Maximum Required |
        |   |                   |                   |            |             |         | Arrival Time |   Relationship   |          | Arrival Time |   Relationship   |
        |   +-------------------+-------------------+------------+-------------+---------+--------------+------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+
        |   | clk_main (Rising) | clk_main (Rising) | 25.000 MHz | 368.460 MHz | 1.588ns |      1.588ns |              0ps | 37.286ns |      2.714ns |         40.000ns |
        |   +-------------------+-------------------+------------+-------------+---------+--------------+------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+
        |   | Total                                 |                                                                                                                 1 |
        |   +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

Simulation check: No simulation environment is available for this testcase.
